Chap 8: Late Night Escapedes

Start from the beginning

Jiang Wanyin was in fact not fast asleep. He been getting ready for bed before Hua Yuan had arrived, and damn seeing the other man in only one layer of clothing is doing things to his head.

"Was that your sister?" Wanyin asks, breaking him out of his staring.

"Yeah, she just came to say goodnight." Hua Yuan lied.

"Oh." Jiang Wanyin noticed the container in his hand. "What's that?"

Hua Yuan hopes his blush doesn't show and he swiftly tucks the stupid thing in his sleeves. "Nothing! Just some back medication..." he cringes internally at the lie.

Wanyin nodded stiffly and just stares at him for a moment, before looking away. An awkward silence dawned on them, neither of them saying a word or moving a muscle.

Hua Yuan's the first to break the silence with a sigh. He explains to Wanyin that San-mei had actually tricked him, and that this was Hua Yuan's room.

"I see." Wanyin says, cheeks and the tips of his ears turn red as he avoids eye contact with Hua Yuan. He bows an apology, "My sincerest apologies for intruding on your private quarters. I'll request for another room."

"Goodnight," Wanyin steps pass him but then Hua Yuan holds out an arm, stopping him.

Putting on a charming smile (the one he uses to make men blush at social gatherings), Hua Yongrui says, "Nonsense. You can just sleep here for the night, the servants should all be asleep by now."

Hua Yuan retracts his hand like he's been burnt when he realises he accidentally touched Wanyin's bare chest. He laughs to hide his blush then adds, "And my bed is big enough for the two of us. We can sleep on each end of the bed if you that'll ease your mind."

Jiang Wanyin considers his suggestion for a moment and unexpectedly agreed to it.
"That's a reasonable idea. Let's do it." His eyes look to the bed, cheeks so red they could steam pork buns.

As agreed, the two men lie on either side of the bed and shyly tucked themselves under the covers. Not wanting to make it any more embarassing than it already was, they both silently agreed to sleep facing opposite ways so their backs were to each other.

However with this arrangement, sleep still seemed to be evading Hua Yongrui. He just couldn't fall asleep, what with another man in his bed with him.

Not like he's never had other men sleep in his bed before, but Wanyin is different.

Wanyin isn't some man Yongrui brings home with him to have fun for one night, then wake up the next morning never to see that man again. Neither is Wanyin like any of Hua Yuan's past relationships.

It's been years since he's had romantic feelings for someone. Years since he's felt this nervous to be with someone. Years since his heart races and pumps like Wanyin is his lifeline.

Hua Yongrui is fucking terrified.

What if things go wrong? Will Wanyin really love him for him? Of everyone else in this world, why did Wanyin want him?

Hua Yuan turns his head and makes out the silhouette of Jiang Wanyin in the dark. Wanyin's hair looks so soft and silky, he yearns to reach out and run his hand through it.

He can still clearly remember how firm leader Jiang's chest was.

He wondered what else was that firm—

O-K! Not going there! Don't be disrespectful!

Hua Yuan sighs quietly and rolls onto his side, an arm propping up his head. "Hey, can you sleep?"

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