"It is true!It turns out she used to be a slave belonging to Viscount Lotteshu's Family,but she escaped! Viscount Lotteshu arrived today and recognized her right away!Because the Viscount wasn't aware of Rashta's status due to having just arrived,he blurted out the truth infront of everyone.And as the Emperor was not in the room,there was nobody there to stop him"

It's clearly wrong to discriminate someone because of their status or life circumstances specially when they had no control over it.

But what can I do?Even the Emperor who is the most powerful person in the Empire is not doing anything about it despite being in direct contact with a victim.

I can use and bring that up to him but knowing him...

He's just gonna disappoint us again

I just don't want to get involved.


That son of a bitch!

He's summoning me to meet him!

And for what?!To blame me for what happened to his bitch?!

That's exactly what he did and even gaslighted my Empress!

I will not let that scum do that to me!

I entered the bastards bedroom in the eastern palace.The asshole was seated by the bed, and I also noted Rashta on the bed with a towel on her forehead. I turned back to the prick again, who had his eyes fixed on me.

"Her majesty is here to see you.I'll take my leave"

The captain closed the door, and the atmosphere became even more oppressive.

"Do you have nothing to say to me?"

"Why did you ask to see me?"

"I see you're not concerned in the slightest by recent events "

I'm not even supposed to in the first place so why should I?

"I heard what happened to Rashta.I understand your majesty is upset, but there is no reason to take it out on me"

"You were born as the daughter to a high-ranking noble family.You have wealth,power,wit, and beauty.And now you are an Empress.In comparison, Rashta started out with nothing.She is clever and beautiful but she never had the opportunity to benefit from her gifts .She's finally starting to dream of things she could never have before meeting me"

So even you know she's not capable of having anything without you

That really drives your ego huh?

Don't think you're the only one who knows how to gaslight

"Are you trying to make me feel bad that I am more fortunate and privileged than others?Am I supposed to be blamed for her life circumstances?Even I had no control over my life.My entire life,I was groomed to be the perfect Empress and I was deprived of an carefree life because of it.I had limited choices because I was betrothed to you since young and my future was already set for me.And now you're blaming me..."

A look of guilt crossed into the dumbasses face but he clicked his tounge to stop himself

"That is not what I am trying to say.I don't expect you to be responsible for her,but can't you leave her be?"

"What did I do to her exactly?"

"You invited Viscount Lotteshu because you wanted to prove she was a runaway slave!"

"Your majesty,I have barely even spoken to your mistress and I have no idea of anything about her.I have heard about the rumors but I chose to ignore it for your sake."

The atmosphere was suffocating so I had to say something

"I never said anything about your affair with that woman and yet here you are again dragging me along and forcing me to confront you.Did you call on me because you need someone to blame or...did you expect to get a reaction out of me to satisfy your pride?"

"What are you even talking about?"

I massaged my temples and sighed

"Honestly...You've changed so much,your majesty.It feels like you're a completely different person.I don't even know who you are anymore"

I frowned and looked at him pitifully

He had an unexplainable expression but what I do know is that he's hurt and guilty

I turned my head away for dramatic effect

"I will be taking my leave now...your majesty"

I intentionally hesitated on his title to emphasize in how I don't know who he is anymore

In the original,he made my Empress the horrible one,but this time,he's the one on her shoes

I turned around and left the room.

I couldn't help but smile on my victory

Burn bitch!

Hope the pain and my words burns you to the ground

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