Chapter 1

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I shoot awake from a dream I instantly forget. It's cold, much colder than usual, and yet I don't remember how I know that. I reach back into my memory, only to find it empty. Why can't I remember anything? I take a look at my surroundings but there isn't much to see; I'm in a solid concrete room with 1 dim light above me. My bed is just a thin layer of steel that sticks out of the wall. There's 1 door, with a window that seems to be blocked from the other side. I have clothing on, but a minimal amount; a thin plain white short-sleeve shirt, basic pants and shoes. As I think more and more about what's going on, it comes clear to me that whatever has happened to me is not natural. I can't remember how I got here, or anything for that matter. My own name seems to elude me... I need to get out of here.

I go to the door, but it's locked shut. I pull on it, push, and when nothing budges, I try to ram it with my shoulder, but it doesn't move an inch. I try banging on it and screaming for someone to help, but no response follows. As more and more confusion settles in, I decide to try to kick the door as hard as I can. It makes a loud noise, but other than that, nothing comes of it. I take off my shirt, wrap it around my hand, and punch the glass window, successfully shattering it. The thing that was obscuring my view is nothing more than paper, which I rip away. I then put the shirt back on and take a look through the small window.

It seems to be just a small hallway with other rooms attached to it. Everything is painted white; the walls, the ceiling, the floor, the other doors. Everything is so white it's almost hard to tell what I'm looking at. I stick my hand out the window, reach down to where the handle on the other side should be, to find it's just held shut by a thick sliding lock. I attempt to move it, but it won't budge. I decide to scream into the hallway, to see if anyone is there to help, and to my surprise, this time a noise actually comes back.

Its footsteps, or rather, a collection of footsteps. They start coming towards me, it sounds to be maybe 3 to 5 people. I peer through the small window, anxiously awaiting to see something. After maybe another 10 seconds, a group of 4 people round the corner from the end of the hallway. They are all dressed the same as me, which for some reason I find somewhat comforting, and they come to my door. As they get closer I'm able to make out more details; it's 2 girls and 2 guys. The guys look very similar to each other; they bear what could be a family resemblance, though they aren't identical. Brothers, or maybe even cousins, but definitely related. They're both about 6 feet tall, maybe 190 pounds, with brown hair and blue eyes. They both have a decent share of attractive features; a sharp jawline, symmetrical noses, and smooth skin.

The 2 girls there are also rather attractive, but couldn't be more different from each other. 1 of them is nearly as tall as the 2 men and black, with long dreads and a rather shapely form. The other girl is much shorter, with short cut hair that's almost down to a buzzcut on one side but left to grow out on the other. For some reason, my immediate thought goes to how fresh that haircut has to be.

I yell at them through the window and wave my hand, saying "Hey, I'm down here!" and they come rushing to the door. One of the guys grabs the lock, and with a heavy grunt manages to lift it and slide it over. They then pull the door open together, and I come out. I look at all of them; they're wheezing and sweaty, and I can tell that they must be in the exact same situation that I'm in. To confirm my suspicion, I ask 1 simple question. "What the hell is going on?" And their eyes are answers enough.

The 1st guy just looks at me and says "Were all in the same boat here. I woke up about 20 minutes ago in a room just like yours, and managed to.." he cuts off, as he leans over to try to catch his breath. With how hard his breathing is, I'd guess he'd been running near full speed for the better part of that whole 20 minutes. "I managed to open my own lock and get out. Since then, I just went down hallway after hallway, and these 3 with me were in the same situation as you and I, banging on their door trying to get out. None of us have any idea where we are or what's going on... All I know is that we didn't put ourselves here and my guess is the people who did, dont want us to leave, so that's what we're trying to do."

UntitledOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora