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Bella knight ( grandma )

Antonio knight (dad)

Alexander knight ( eldest brother)

Xavier knight, Xander knight and Liam knight ( 2nd oldest and triplets)

Ezkiel knight (3rd eldest )

Ethan (4th eldest )

Damien and Elijah ( twins and 5th eldest )

Sameul knight ( 6th eldest )

For proper understanding read 'THEIR EVERYTHING'

Srishti pov

"Srishti get your ass downstairs in next 2 minutes or you will be grounded for next week" my brother yelled .

Please god let him give me 5 minutes before he kills me because i want to discuss about flowers I want on my grave .

I entered the living room and site in front of me was the most funniest thing. Ethan's hair covered in pink glitter dye . He was glaring me while everyone present there was trying their best to control their laugh

" Missy care to tell me why did you dyed you brother's hair in pink glitter colour " dad spoke with looking at distaste at ethan's hair .

" Dad yesterday he ate my icecream and when I asked him why did he ate it , he said he
is prince of this house, so he could eat anything .So i dyed his hair pink now he is queen of this house and he can now have anything " i said and blew a kiss at his direction .

Everyone in the room laughed but ethan was like his face red and steam coming out of his ear. Uh oh I'm dead now. I took one step back and started running with ethan hot on my tail .

I jumped on sofa and then slide under the table . Ethan tried to the same but his foot collided with foot of the table and he fall . I started laughing like maniac .

He again stood up ,So I ran towards kitchen . After running like Tom and Jerry for 20 minutes . He catched me and now he is going to throw in pool

" Bubby please I'm sorry , i will never do that again" i told him while giving my best puppy eyes . He turned his face in other direction.

" Prince hen don't you love me " i asked and he stopped in his track .

" Never question my love for you , princess . I can die for you but you know that the thing you did is so wrong , so revenge is also important so " saying this he threw me in the pool .

" I'm going to chew you raw ethan " i screamed at him while he laughed at me . An idea came to my mind . So I stared to acting like I'm drowing

" Princess i know that you know swimming because I was the one who taught you " Shit.
I huffed and came out of the pool . He laughed at me and then picked me bridal style

" Your feet are wet , so you can fall" like i didn't know this already. Anyone who throws me in pool, does this so that I can't fall. Aww how sweet . Idiots

"Majesty where should I drop you , your room or living room" he asked like he didn't know answer but he will take me to the living room .So that he can show everyone that he took his revenge and everyone will laugh at me.

I just glared at him and this idiot smirked. I just huffed and soon I heard dad's yelling

" Boy if you don't want to get your ass beaten , drop your sister to her room this instant and everyone come downstairs after being refresh for dinner " i smirked at his pale face.

Dinner time

" Srishti your vacation is going to get over in 3 days , so are you excited for again going back to school " Alex asked . Dude who is interested to go to school and study.

I only attend school for one certain thing but I haven't told anyone about it because I know that they will be very angry if they get to know about it

" Yes Bubba I'm excited same as when I'm excited to attend any party " i told him. He knows that I hate parties and cockroaches at great extent.

Well I'm ambivert and I'm an straight A grade student and captain of girls volleyball team. Dance and music in not my thing.

And because of my three monkey brothers I mean brent , evan and Vince , every boy in school is scared to come near me . But that's in my favour because according to me love and relationships are waste of time.

I would rather study chemistry rather than talking with my bf. Robotics and physics are my fav subject and for that my inspiration is iron man

Sophia shifted to new York last year and as for ryan he decided to get homeschooled .

" To earth , Srishti. We are calling you from last five minutes" Xavier exclaimed .
He didn't came into any relationship after his gf cheated on him . I still remember the time when I punched her as my brother cried because of her .

" Just thinking something, dad is grandpa coming over tomorrow , i was thinking about games day " i asked dad and everybody nodded

" Baby you very well know that your grandpa is wrapped around your tiny finger . If you say him to buy world for you , he will buy it for you without second thoughts " i flipped my hair back and smirked at everyone .

" My fingers are not tiny " Everyone laughed. This is what I have and I want . My all family laughing and living happily under one roof .

Everyone got up and put their dishes in kitchen . I went to my eldest brother

" Bubba can I sleep with you today " i know this question answer but it's important to confirm

" I don't even know , why do you ask me this. How could I say no to my bunny " i glared at him because he very well know that I hate this nickname.

Once we went to a zoo , so there were rabbits in a cage . I was trying to touch one but he he bit me and other spit on my hand . Eww and top of that Damien recorded that video .It's so embarrassing.

" I'm not going to sleep with you " i said and turned in another direction but he picked me . He is 6'5 and I'm 5'5 , the only reason i like my height.

I snuggled into him and we both went to his room . We talked about random things .He told me about his day in office and I told him about my studies.

It's our time to talk , to give each other advice .We talk about our daily lives and most important gossips .

" You know jake , that flirt with every girl was caught red handed making out with Mr jeoy , our chemistry teacher " i told him and he turned his neck so fast that he could get whiplash

" Did he ever flirted with you " he asked while fisting his hands

" Never he was too much scared of Vince and Brent " i told him

" Good now tell me everything in detail " he said to me and I told him everything

Our time is incomplete without gossips. Sometimes dad also joins us or any of my brother. After some time Me and he cuddled at went to sleep. This is my life and I'm very happy with it .


Everyone is back. Excited??

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