Chapter 2 - Getting Into Trouble

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I was laughing at a story that Lord Elrond had told. As Elrond Finished his story, I saw him look at King Thranduil. Elrond had nodded his head in my direction for him to do something. I looked at King Thranduil as he knew what Elrond was talking about. 

I looked at Tauriel, then Elrond as I felt a hand to my wrist. I looked up to see Thranduil had stood up and grabbed me, "w…w..where are we going?" I asked drunkenly. 

"I'm taking you to your chambers," he said as we exited the dining hall. 

"I'm n…not tir–," I said.

I stumbled forward to have Thranduil catch me. He picked me up and carried me the rest of the way to my chambers. I had my face resting on his chest and hands on his tunic. We had reached my doors as he opened them, not letting me fall. 

He had reached my bed as I let out a yawn, "Looks like you are tired," he said as he places me down on my bed.

"It seems you are right, my lord," I replied as another yawn came. 

I turned to my side and slowly closed my eyes. I felt Thranduil lift the blankets over me and covered me to sleep. The last thing I heard was Thranduil saying, "Goodnight, Amarathae," As I drifted off to sleep.


I covered my eyes as I woke to the blinding sun. What happened last night, I thought. Getting up I closed my doors to my balcony and shut the drapes. I also had an antagonizing headache. I walked back to my bed to sit down as I heard my doors open. 

I saw Arwen walk through, "Why so dark?" She said as she slightly pulled them apart.

I stopped her before she opened them even more, "Wait! Keep them closed," I said with a raspy voice.

"I'll close them," Arwen said as she closed my drapes, "what happened last night?"

"I…I can't remember," I said with my hands up to my head.

"You…you can't remember anything?" 

"All I remember is…that I talked with Thranduil and that's it," I said raspy.

"So, you don't remember starting a food fight? Or going around the table, singing your voice out?" Arwen said.

"That's why my voice sounds like this?" I asked as I got up, "Is King Thranduil still here?"

"He left a while ago," she said as she walked to my doors, opening them, "breakfast?"

"No thanks," I said as I layed back down in my bed.

"Well if you change your mind, you know where we are," Arwen says as she leaves. 

I fell back to sleep. Within minutes, I awoke with my doors being swung open. I looked just as who I didn't expect to come in gracefully to the end of my bed, "No Breakfast?" 

It was, to my surprise, King Thranduil in my chambers, "I'm not hungry, I'm tired and I'm not fee…," I paused as I slowly closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep.

But before I could touch my bed, the sun blinded me once again as King Thranduil had opened the drapes, "Weren't you supposed to be gone?" I asked as a yawn came. 

"No! Who told you that lie?" He said, spinning around as he looked at me.

"Arwen." I said

"Well, I'll be staying for a few days more," he replied as he walked closer and sat at the end of my bed.

"That's a surprise," I said

"Why is it a surprise?" 

"Well, you always leave after you come see me," I said as my voice started to sound raspy again.

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