Forgotten And Abandoned

Start from the beginning

"Hey, why is that document open? Wait... Someone's here, report this to the captain now!"

One of the Seiran OSF members yelled as he ran out of the building, Ghost left the scene unseen by using rooftops, he watched the streets below and realised he would be blocked if he didn't move. He swiftly moved from rooftop to rooftop until he sprinted along the road and out of Seiran before they had a chance to stop him. Ghost stopped a few miles away from Seiran and caught his breath behind a rock before reporting his findings to Fubuki.

"Sir, Seiran are using an abandoned facility to conduct unknown research as of this time, awaiting further orders"

Ghost said in between breaths as he listened to what Fubuki said, he kept an eye out for any OSF soldiers as he was most likely within their search area.

"Ghost, your new orders are to find out what they are researching in that facility and report back... And Ghost, please be careful, we don't know what kinds of defences the facility has"

Fubuki said as Ghost understood the risks of what he was going to do, he ended the communications and made his way to the abandoned facility before scouting for a discreet entrance, he found a way in through the ventilation shafts and snuck through the facility for several hours making small progress but what he found made him realise the danger he was truly in, if he was caught no one could help him.

"Personality rehabilitation... Power enhancements... Psionic re-engineering...? What the hell is going on"

Ghost said to himself as he heard a click of a firearm behind him, his attention was immediately refocused however all he did was look through the glass to see the reflection of a scientist with a pistol to the back of his head

"We're researching ways to make Psionics more powerful in ways that were mere dreams at one point... We are also finding out new and improved ways of making someone like you, a perfect soldier who follows orders... You'd do perfectly as a test subject"

The scientist said as he knocked Ghost unconscious, there was nothing Ghost could do in the situation and the Scientists were given full permission to do whatever they wished to Ghost. In their eyes they would conduct necessary actions to ensure scientific advancements under one condition: The test subject must survive.

When Ghost woke up he was chained to a bed in a dimly lit room with seemingly outdated equipment for medical procedures, the scientists smiled as they looked into Ghost's eyes, they couldn't take his mask off as it was linked to his actions and commands which annoyed them but that didn't matter to them.

"Good, your awake... Now we can proceed... You might feel a small sting"

The scientist said as he gave the thumbs up, Ghost was immediately put under a mass amount of mental strain, the pain he felt was excruciating as he yelled out in agony tensing his muscles, the pain suddenly stopped and Ghost's breathing became heavier as he wasn't sure what was going on. The scientists were overjoyed with these results and continued throughout the day refusing to let up and give Ghost a break.

Fubuki tried contacting Ghost several times but to no answer. He sighed quietly not knowing what happened to him, he wasn't even sure where the research facility was. There were that many abandoned facilities it would take months to narrow it down and even then if Ghost wasn't responding he was either still in the facility or dead. Fubuki didn't know what to do but trusted Ghost.

Shadow on the other hand was still on duty and was never told what happened to her life long friend, she was told he was on a classified mission. But Shadow knew she was being kept in the dark about the situation but continued to perform her duties.

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