Matatabi: Yep I did

I would start looking around and she wasn't here.

Matatabi: Me and your soul are now one kiddo. What's mine is yours so use my power to your hearts content

Me: What does that mean?

Matatabi: That means go wild!

Me: Right

I would launch the fireball back at Phenex and it hit him. I would charge at him and he pushed me using magic and started flying away. So I started to pursue him while launching fireballs at him. He was dodging until I hit one of his wings and it started to burn soon he crashed onto a roof and I followed him.

Phenex: You bastard! You torched on of my wings

Me: Well you tried to kill me

??: The fuck is this?!

That's when I saw Riser and Yubelluna?!

That's when I saw Riser and Yubelluna?!

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Riser: How the bell is he back?!

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Riser: How the bell is he back?!

Yubelluna: S-someone must of reversed the spell

Riser: You bitch! When this is over I'm kicking your ass! Phenex!

The other me looked so scared.

Phenex: Y-yeah dad

Riser: Kick this brat's ass and you'll have a spot in the family

Phenex: Y-yes sir

Then Phenex would charge and kick me in the stomach. That's when mama and mommy came but they couldn't help much as I was launched into the air and then kicked back to the ground causing a crater. I guess Matatabi and a lot of durability cause I probably should've been dead by now. I feel weak though. I might die.

Matatabi: Kid you'll die...

Me: Help...

Matatabi: Right. I shall allow you to tap into the beast sides full power! But remember you have to keep track of your goal otherwise you'll lose control. Now what are you trying to do?


Matatabi: Then keep that goal in your head and you'll keep control

Soon I felt my soul ignite and I stood up.

(Phenex's POV)

I have to kill him! I may be his clone or whatever but I don't wanna die! I'll kill him! That's when I noticed a glowing blue light in a crater. I would descend into the crater and saw what I think is Y/N?

This doesn't matter I'll kick his ass no matter what! I charged at him but on of the tails grabbed my neck and all he did was lift to fingers up and a geyser of blue fire came from the ground and burned me

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This doesn't matter I'll kick his ass no matter what! I charged at him but on of the tails grabbed my neck and all he did was lift to fingers up and a geyser of blue fire came from the ground and burned me. I used a regenerative spell to make sure I didn't die but that barley did anything. I was still burned a little! How?! How is he this strong?! All he did was get adopted by some bimbo's and he's granted this power?! I would shout and the entire forest trees were pushed away. But he was just standing there with a blank face!

Me: So are you done throwing a tantrum

His voice sounded like a combination of a raspy voice woman and his own. That's when he pulled me in and he punched in the gut with a fire coming from his fist sending me flying. Then he appeared above me and I started crying.

Me: W-why

Y/N: Huh?

Me: Why are you so strong. All you did was get adopted by some bimbos and all of a sudden your just super strong! I HAD TO TRAIN DAMNIT! I HAD TO WORK MYSELF TO DEATH! I HAD MY ASS HANDED TO ME ALL THE TIME! I FELT PAIN AND YOU JUST SAT THERE

Y/N: That may be true but I wasn't complaining when you were beating me. You can't be in a fight and not expect to be hit


I would grab him and fly up. It may burn but I don't give a damn! I'll kill this son of a bitch! I then threw him but that's when a flash of blue fire happened and out was the beast herself. Matatabi!

Me: What the fuck!

That's when this weird ball was starting to form.

That's when this weird ball was starting to form

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Y/N and Matatabi: BIJUU BOMB!

This 'Bijuu bomb' was launched at me, I would catch it and try to send it back. That's when I noticed my arms disappeared. Wait this is a ball of destruction magic. Suddenly it would engulf me and I'll be nothing but a chess piece.

(Y/N Gremory's POV)

I would dispel Matatabi and grab the chess piece. So Phenex was a bishop like me. Sucks that he was so arrogant though. He and I could've been good friends. But can't dwell on that now gotta help my family. Glad that I don't need wings to fly. So I flew like Superman to the gym roof.

(That's one chapter done! New form and some family support coming in! Until then have a nice morning/day/evening/night and take care buh-bye!!)

"Little tiger" Akeno & Rias x Male!Jinchuriki!Child!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now