Chapter One

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One day Ariel arave in Philppines,and Ariel say.''It's nice to be back on my real country." And some reason her phone rings.And she see her brother 's calling.

''Hi Nathan.''

''Hey are you okay in there?.''

''Yeah,I'm here on air port.

''Okay,Be careful there,okay''


And there off there phones, and cut the conversation.She took a taxi,and a few minutes.The arive in a big house.

Ariel go out in to the car and see the house of her friend.She knock the door,but no one opens the door ''No one in here?.''

But someone see him. And that girl named Taylor,and taylor say

''Hi,are looking for the guy who own that house?."

''Yeah, do you know him'

'' No,but I see him everyday,his going to his sports bar.''

''Oh,do you know were the sports bar is.''

''Yeah,but why you need to see him?.''

''Oh, I'm Ariel Santiago,Sam is my friend since were kids.''

''Oh,I'm Taylor Aguilar,So lets go?.''

'' Okay,nice to meet you.''

''Me to.''

They walk and see the sports bar.and taylor says.

''I need to go.''

''Okay,takes for helping me. ''

And they say ''Goodbye'' in each another,and Taylor go.Ariel go inside of the bar.She never notice that Sam is infront of her,and sam say.

"Hey Ariel!.

"Excuse me!,do I know you!?."

"It's me Sam!."

''°......° Are you realy Sam?."

" Yeah! It's me Sam Aguilar."

And they Hug each another,and Ariel say.

" Wow your change, you much taller.

"You to, your taller,and more pretty than your 15 years old.

"Thank you."

"Oh,I have a friend in there.Can I introduce you?

" yeah sure."

And there we walk in to the table.And Ariel see a tall man sitting in the table with a three another guy,and Sam says to the boys.

"Hey,guys this Ariel, the girl who can help you."

"wai...wait,What help?!

To be Continue.

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