First Day

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Mavis' POV:
It is my first day of high school and after being jealous of Nancy for a whole year, I am finally joining her and leaving Mike in middle school. After hearing so much from Nancy, it was safe to say I am actually stoked.

I could forget about all the bullying and tormenting from middle school and join the normals. Over the summer, I'd had my mum take me to every shop there was for anything current and so that I could forget about the pink bows and dresses and finally grow up like Nancy.

Despite being a teenager, my parents and everyone still saw me as a kid so I was gonna prove them all wrong. From what I learnt from magazines, Nancy and her friends, cheerleaders are popular so that was my first goal of the year other than try to make friends with at least a couple of people.

I walked out of the house and smile when I see Steve. He's been there for me for years, recently he became popular and kind of rude but he was always nice to me so I don't care. I think he likes Nancy but that just makes me angry because as of last year, I had a crush on him but never said anything because he was in high school.

He steps out the car with a prettier smile than anyone I've seen as he runs forward just to wrap his arms around me. "Mave, you've grown, finally! Are you excited to finally go to school with me?" he exclaims, hurriedly just as Nancy comes out with her things. "Good you're here. Mavis, you ready?" she asks.

The three of us get into the car before leaving for school. To be honest, most of the ride was them asking me questions and giving me advice. One good thing is that at least I can seat with them if I need to. I get out of the car but not before Steve stops me to say, "don't change, high school is tough but you shouldn't have to change for anyone, got it, kid?"

"Yeah, I promise not to change" I say but as I walk away, I mutter under my breathe, "too much". As I walk through the hallway to the auditorium for freshman induction. On my way there I'm stuck between two boys who kept pushing each other into me until eventually I escape them.

The entire assembly was about safety and at some point, I just blanked everything out and instead thought of all the things I wish to do in the next four years. After so much television, books and magazines about high school, I was exhilarated to finally be here.

By the time the induction was over, it was break and I found my way to the cafeteria. I knew that I wanted to find my own friends before resorting to Nancy so that's what I did and soon enough, I found a place with some of the cheerleaders after meeting a sophomore called Chrissy.

To be quite frank, I don't think many people like the 'popular' students. Despite them being called popular, I've guessed they aren't well liked but still have a high status against everyone else. At some point Nancy and Barb come over, offering me a seat with them but the head just flat out declines, laughing as they walk away.

It's the end of my first day and everything is still so unimaginable and not like I expected it to be at all. Other than all the cliques, nothing is as I thought it would be but now I have bigger worries. This Friday is the cheer tryouts and after spending most of my day with them, I have got to impress them all.

I sit in the backseat as Steve and Nancy talk about their teachers and I can't help but feel left out. I've never been as pretty as Nance but it never seemed to matter until now. Despite it being first day, I know I already have homework for when I get home.

Luckily, the car ride seemed to end quickly as I got out with a quick thank you to Steve. When I get through the door, Nancy catches up with me, "Mavis, how was your first day? I saw you with the cheerleaders at break and lunch."

"It was fine, Nance, I already have two homework's so that sucks but otherwise, it was fun" I say, "I met a girl called Chrissy, she's in your year". "I know her, she seems nice" Nancy says with a smile.

"By the way, I, um, I'm sorry about lunch" I apologise, "I'm sure she didn't mean to rude, Jackie was just asking me a lot of questions, is all". All she does is nod whilst walking away.

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