Chapter 2

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The annoying, repetitive beeping comes to wake me up again the next morning. I sigh before rolling over and getting up. After getting ready I wait for Krissy and Kiersten to be done. While they take forever I text Bubbles.

-Hey are you doing anything today?- I send to her. I'm pretty much the only person who actually texts in a language you understand. Bubbles thankfully doesn't go full out "teen texting".

-No. Y? Do u want 2 do sumthin after skool?- I roll my eyes at her way of texting. How much time does it save by texting skool instead of school? -Yeah. I was planning on go to the library to look up different kinds of shifters but I didn't want to do it alone.- I type back.

-Ok. Wut time?- -Right after school. Maybe you could even come to my house after we go to the library.- -Ok so 3:30 then?- I smile because for once she didn't have anything to shorten in a sentence. -Sounds good. Should we talk about you coming to my house or something while at the library?- -Yah. I don't hav time rite now- -Ok.- I say ending the conversation.

Thankfully Kiersten and Krissy are done getting ready so we get in the car where I have to wait for what seems like 15 hours before I can get to go to the library.

Thankfully no one decides to spill water on me today but unfortunately we had shifting class and I had to do nothing. By the time 3:15 comes (the time school ends) I am almost ready to collapse of the stupid things people say about me not shifting.

I sit outside the library waiting for Bubbles to come. I haven't said what Bubbles' actual name is. Well her real name is Addison but Bubbles fits her better. Finally she is here. I look at the time, exactly 3:30. "Perfectly on time," I say with a smile. "Never late," she answers.

"So what exactly are we doing here?" "Looking up different things of every shifter." "Seriously? This is going to be so boring." "Please, just for an hour or so." "Ugh fine but you owe me."

It turns out I find a lot about all the types of shifters. We stay away from werewolves because those are horse shifters enemies and just seeing them scares us. I mostly pay attention from to dog shifters and I found out they shift differently from horse shifters. Same as cat shifters. Instead of imagining a cat or dog you have to say a spell. It's short but I wouldn't want to have to say that. It goes like this. I'm a dog, proudly a dog. Turn me now into a dog. It doesn't rhyme so it's pointless and you have to say it out loud! What if you are being chased by a serial killer and have to change into a dog without the person knowing!

So horse shifters are the safest. I'm proud that I am a horse shifter and not a werewolf, dog shifter, or cat shifter. But those aren't the only types. These are the main types but there are shifters for most popular animals. Like birds, fish, bear, deer. Most have become endangered or extinct. Werewolves are the most common to be hunted down by hunters and the only reason they manage to stay alive is because they have strong packs spread all over the world! And they repopulate quick too.

Horse shifters are the second most popular but most horse shifters are mistaken for actual horses. Many herds today are actually shifter herds. When shifters are discovered (if they aren't killed) then supposedly there are shifter zoos everywhere. They are displayed in special zoos as if they were animals! It's crazy. Most endangered shifters are now in shifter zoos so they don't become extinct.

"Well Bubbles do you think you could come to my house?" "I don't see why not? What time is it anyway?" I look at my phone. "It's 5:15!" We said an hour or so and it has been almost three hours! "Ok I owe you big time I didn't think it would take that long." "No it's fine. I had fun," she smiles.

"Ok let's go home." We take a bus to a stop only a mile away and start to walk. "Couldn't we have called Kiersten?" She asks. "Are you kidding me? No. She would have complained forever and wouldn't have picked us up anyway. Sorry that we have to walk though." "It's fine. It's good to stretch my legs." I stop walking for a minute. "I have an idea." "What?" "Shift to a horse and we can ride home." "What about the people though." I look at her making sure she is joking. "What people? There's no one around here," I say. "You're right, let's go."

She closes her eyes and a crackling sound comes. I jump onto her white back and she starts walking. I hold onto her solid black mane tightly. I heard that holding a horse's mane doesn't hurt the horse. Soon we kick into a trot and then canter and then when the house is only a corner up, I tell her to slow down.

I jump off and she shifts back again after making sure no one is watching. "I don't want them to see me ride your horse into the yard. That would be embarrassing because a normal person would be able to come in as a horse too." She looks at me sadly. "You will be able to see your horse someday too." "I wish," I sigh.

We walk inside and go upstairs. She sees the note on the ground and picks it up. "What's this?" She asks confused. "Oh, that. I don't knew what that's from. Or why. Someone left it there and I found it." She looks at the words and the drawing. She looks me in the eye. "Say the dog shifter words."



1005 words. Not my longest. But still my goal of 1,000 words. I hope you liked this chapter. I was originally gonna have it go a little longer but I thought it would end best here. I'm sorry about the long wait. I forgot about the book and when I realized it had been so long I updated immediately. Well enjoy this until next chapter. Bye :)

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