Chapter 17: The Battle of Washington D.C Part 2.

Start from the beginning

"Amy," Moana said, "Run. Run to the exit and don't look back. Run as far away as possible."

Amy came out from behind her, "W-what about you...?"

"Just go!" Moana told her.

Amy looked reluctant, but ran towards the exit, towards the stairs and up to the surface.

As soon as she was gone, the fight commenced. Using the Force, the possessed Jeremy picked up jail cell doors and then them at her. Moana countered by using the Force to freeze them in midair, destroying them with a Force crush.

"Soon I will leave this host and gain my own body back! Just as soon as I absorb your essence!" Adolf Hitler shouted in triumph. He shot more Force lightning at her. She deflected it with her saber once again.

Hitler picked up Maui's lightsaber and they dueled, red clashing against blue. Moana did a somersault and swung, but Hitler was fast. He blocked it at lightning speed, forcing Moana to go on the defensive.

"Release your hold on Jeremy's mind! Let him speak!" Moana shouted.

Hitler's pupiless black eyes morphed back to their original color momentarily and he looked frightened. "What? What's going on?"

"You're being controlled by a Nazi dictator!" Moana told him, "You have to fight him! Fight the darkness!"

Jeremy looked at her, shaking his head. "It's too late. What I've done is unforgivable. You have to kill me! It's the only way to stop him!"

Then, his head jerked and Hitler was back in control, slashing at her once more. Finally, he managed to send her lightsaber skittering across the floor.

Moana was now outmatched. Hitler smiled evilly and started sucking away at her life essence. She had never felt such pain before in her life. He laughed maniacally as he began to glow, shedding Jeremy's body.

As the figure of Adolf Hitler emerged from Jeremy's body, Moana could swear that she heard Jeremy's dying screams drowned out in the laughter. Finally, Jeremy was gone, incinerated, and all that was left was Adolf Hitler, towering over her. She began to feel weak and she collapsed to the ground.

"At last the power of the Chosen One restores the One True Führer!!" Hitler exclaimed, "NOTHING WILL STOP THE RETURN OF THE ARYAN RACE!!!!" Lifting his hands, he unleashed a powerful wave of Force lightning that broke through the ceiling, hitting the United Disney fleet.


Outside, the United Disney fleet was succeeding at taking out the Star Destroyers. Over half of them were slowly falling to the ground while exploding on the inside.

"We did it!" Mulan said, "Shang, I need all units to make sure that the fleet is stuck here!"

"Perimeter check, got it!" Shang replied, telling all units to survey the area. By now, Arendelle was practically destroyed from the ensuing battle. But it was about to get much worse.

Suddenly, a blast of white lightning hit Shang's ship, sending it crashing down.

"SHANG!!!" Mulan screamed.

"What's going on?!" Belle asked from her ship.

"We're offline! We're losing power!!" Aurora cried.

The lightning hit all the ships in all directions, sending them slowly crashing towards the ground.


All Moana could see was the darkened sky and the lightning. As she lay there, dying from her life essence having been drained, she realized the gravity of it all. She had failed. Hitler was back. He would restart the Holocaust and all races he deemed inferior would be wiped out to extinction. This was it.

"Be with me..." she whispered weakly, hoping someone would hear her, "Be with me..." She repeated this a couple more times and in her mind, she could hear a familiar voices singing to her softly, but audibly.

"I know a girl from an island..." Grandma Tala's voice, "She stands apart from the crowd, she loves the sea and her people...she makes her whole family proud..."

"Sometimes the world might seem against you..." Her mother's voice, "The journey may leave a scar...but scars can heal and reveal just where you are...the people you love will change you, the things you have learned will guide you...and nothing on Earth can silence the quiet voice still inside you..."

"And when that voice starts to whisper," Chief Tui, her father's voice, "'Moana, you've come so far...Moana, you know who you are..."

Hearing her family's voices, Moana found herself singing along in her final moments, "I am a girl who loves her island, and the girl who loves the calls me...I am the daughter of the village chief...we are descended from voyagers who found their way across the world...they call me...!" As she sang, she felt strength course through her, "I delivered us to where we are, I have journeyed farther...I am everything I learned and more, still it calls me!!" She gripped the ground, "And the call isn't out there at all, it's inside me! It's like the tide, always falling and rising! I will carry you here in my heart, you remind me! And come what may, I know the way..................I AM MOANA!!!!!!"

With a burst of strength, she summoned her blue lightsaber and stood up. As she stood facing a stunned Hitler, spirits materialized behind her. They wrote the ghosts of her people, and the ghosts of her ancestors, as well as the ghosts of millions of Jews, all crowding behind her, ready to help her.

Hitler looked scared out of his mind. Quick as a flash, he fired a wave of Force lightning at her. She held up her lightsaber and shielded herself from it.


When the lightning attack stopped, what remained of the United Disney fleet flew back into the air.

"Alright, we're back on!" Mulan declared, "Now's our chance! We need to hit those underbelly cannons now!"

The final assault resumed with the fleet now giving it all they had.


Hitler was shooting torrent after torrent of Force lightning at Moana, who blocked it with her lightsaber with much effort.

"You are nothing!!" Hitler yelled, "An islander princess is no match for the power in me!! I AM ALL THE HATE!!!!!"

With much exhaustion, Moana managed to shout: "And I..." she panted from the effort of blocking the lightning. Using quick thinking, she summoned Maui's lightsaber into her other hand, "am all the people!" Forming the lightsabers into an X shape, she began pushing the lightning back. All the ancestors and Jews started raising their arms out in front of them, aiding her. The combined aid helped her. She took a step forward and continued pushing the lightning back in the direction of Hitler. Some lightning hit him and he began to melt. As the spirits of Maui and a young Jewish girl joined in, Moana unleashed another wave at Hitler, melting his face off as he screamed in agony. The millions of spirits then vanished into the Force as Moana unleashed the final wave of lightning, obliterating Hitler in a massive explosion of light.

The Führer was dead.

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