Mot's fingers squeezed the soft skin of your thigh. You shut your eyes, biting your lip to keep yourself from making anymore embarrassing noises. He moved closer, pressing your leg up against your body. The muscles stretched painfully and you groaned. Mot's face was right next to yours. You raised your hand and placed it against his cheek. Mot froze.

"What are you doing?" He moved backwards and you pulled your hand away. Mot lowered your leg, releasing you from his grip.

"I-I'm sorry...I just thought...." Your heart sank as you met his gaze. Mot's eyebrows were pulled together, his eye narrowed.

"Whatever you were thinking, you're wrong." He stood up and you looked away quickly, staring down at the water. Mot strode out of the bath, grabbing a towel and wrapping it around his waist. He paused at the door. "Do you need help getting back to your room?" He didn't turn around.

"No...I can manage." You murmured. You heard the door slam shut and you buried your face in your hands. What was that? Had you really completely misread the situation? Who starts touching someone in the bath with no other ‌motive? You wanted to sink into the water and die.

The other issue you were struggling with was how eager you'd been to let it happen. You couldn't deny that you found Mot attractive, but what point was there in acting on it? You'd be leaving soon anyway and you'd never even see him again. An ache formed in your chest, but you tried to ignore it.

You stood up and walked over to grab a towel. You leaned down to pick up your clothes and realized your ankle was barely hurting. The feeling of Mot's hands on your leg still lingered. You stood by the door, your fingers ghosting against your thigh. You balled your hand into a fist, opening the door and heading back to your room.

When you got back to your room, you looked at your dirty clothes and realized you had nothing clean to put on. After tossing the towel down, you walked across the room to the large armoire in the corner. You flung it open and were met with nothing but emptiness. You didn't know what you'd expected.

Walking over to the bed you laid down, covering your face with your arms. Your mind kept replaying the events from the bath and your body couldn't help but react. One of your hands trailed down your body, your fingers brushing against your wetness. There was a quick knock on the door before it swung open suddenly.

"Little bug." Mot stood in the doorway and you quickly grabbed the blanket from your bed, trying to cover yourself. He stared at you, his mouth hanging open slightly. He seemed to be at a loss for words.

"What are you doing!?" you shouted. He opened and closed his mouth a few times saying nothing. "Don't just come in without knocking!" You prayed he had seen little, if anything, but the look on his face wasn't convincing you.

"I knocked." Mot mumbled, stepping further into the room. You pulled the blanket closer to you.

"Hardly!" You snapped. "What do you even want?" Your heart was pounding so hard that it was giving you a headache. You'd had enough of dealing with Mot today. It was too much for your heart.

"I just thought you'd need some clean clothes." He held up a hooded robe like the one he usually wore. You realized now that he wasn't wearing his usual outfit, instead he only had on a tight black shirt and drawstring pants. It looked good on him but the fact that you'd seen most of what was underneath already today was making it difficult to look at him. He walked over and set the robe on the bed.

"Thank you...." You grabbed the robe, pulling it to you. Mot wasn't looking at you, keeping his eyes on the floor. There was a slight flush on his cheeks.

"Mhm." He nodded, turning quickly and walking to the door. "I'll...knock more next time." he exited the room and you sighed. You grabbed the robe and slid it over your head. You instantly could tell it was going to be insanely big on you. The arms hung down to your knees and your feet were hidden under a pile of fabric.

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