Part 1

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These parts will all be fairly short but it felt like a bit too much to post in the one shots. I love Mot very much and I hope you will too (:

This first part is basically just setting things up.


It'd been hours since you'd last seen the trail you'd been walking on. You'd gotten distracted by some mushrooms just off the path and somehow had ended up turned around in the woods. Reddish orange hues from the setting sun cast shadows through the dense forest and you were really getting worried. 

You'd like to think that someone would come looking for you if you didn't come home tonight, but the reality was that you lived alone. It'd be several hours before anyone would even notice and that'd only be because you didn't show up at work in the morning.

Your chest felt tight, and you tried to push the rising anxiety back down. You couldn't be that far from town. You'd surely have hit the district wall if you'd wandered too far away, right? Everything looked the same as you looked back and forth through the trees. A small dip in the ground caught you off guard and you tripped, your ankle twisting at an awkward angle.

"Shit!" you cried out, clutching your ankle. It throbbed painfully, and you cursed your clumsiness. You forced yourself back up despite the pain shooting through your leg. You needed to at least find somewhere safe to spend the night since getting out of here wasn't looking probable. 

Something caught your attention from the corner of your eye. A nearby bush rustled and your stomach dropped. If you'd somehow managed to walk out of the district, there was no telling what kind of bloodthirsty creatures would be lurking about.

You backed away slowly, your heart pounding in your chest. The rustling stopped and after a moment, something jumped out. It was a small fluffy grey kitten. You sighed deeply, feeling slightly embarrassed at your paranoia. You crouched down and clicked your tongue.

"Hey little kitty. What are you doing out here all alone?" You cooed at the kitten. It cocked its head, studying you for a moment before walking over to you cautiously. You held your hand out, and the kitten sniffed your fingers before rubbing against them. "Aww, you're precious. Do you live around here, little guy?" You shifted your position and pain shot through your ankle again. You inhaled sharply, and the kitten jumped, scampering backwards. It eyed you again for a moment before turning around and prancing away. "Wait! Don't go!"

You stood up and limped after the kitten. It might've been stupid to think so, but the kitten was the first sign of life you'd seen in hours and the idea of being alone again was too much to bear right now. You used the dense trees to help keep your balance as you followed ‌the kitten. 

The sun was nearly fully set now, and it was getting harder to keep sight of it. You felt something shift under your feet and glanced down to see the leafy underbrush turn to dirt. You squinted in the dim light and realized you'd found a path.

"Finally! This should lead back to town. Thank you, little kitty." You nearly sobbed with joy. This path was admittedly a little different from the well kept ones near town, but maybe this was just out in an area you'd never been before. The kitten continued on in front of you and you figured you might as well keep following it. 

You kept limping after it until a soft blue glow ahead caught your attention. The glow seemed to come from a large stone building up ahead. You'd never seen anything quite like it before. It looked to be some kind of castle.

You moved closer, and the kitten hopped up the stone steps without a care. Something about this place felt off to you. Dim blue firelight glowed from two torches by the door. You wrung your hands nervously. Even the door was intimidating. It was easily 10 feet tall and seemed to be solid wood. The kitten still seemed completely unbothered. It paused in front of the door and turned around to glance at you.

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