"Where's Noah?" I ask when Spencer's rabbit ears are out of reach.

"He is probably still inside his bedroom, trying to figure out what to wear." Vilhelm responds and everyone hums in agreement. I blink. He literally is the male version of Spencer.

"Let me guess, his room is a mess of piled up clothes."

"No, he is a neat freak actually. He doesn't even let people enter his bedroom because he is afraid that we'll ruin it." Julian says.

"Huh." Vilhelm stares at the table. "I'm his brother and I don't even know what his bedroom looks like."

"Why must you know anything about his bedroom?" Jace laughs

"No, I'm just saying... What is so secretive about it anyway? I will go and find out." Vilhelm rushes out of the living room and I shake my head.

"Is he always like this?" I look at Julian as I whisper the question in his ear.

"Yep, he's like a protective older brother." He chuckles. "But don't worry, I don't think he wi-"

"I CAUGHT THEM RED-HANDED." Vilhelm bursts out of nowhere, followed by Noah and a panic-stricken Spencer. "They were hugging and everything."

Wow, this is the drama I need cheese popcorn for.

"It wasn't like that!" Spencer squeaks, which is so unlike her. She usually doesn't get flustered because of stuff like that, she handles it well with indifference. The fact that she is reacting like this is a loud and clear message of its own.

"Don't make me give out the details." Vilhelm nudges her with his elbow and Spencer turns into the human equivalent of a baby tomato. I am actually scared for her, her face is splitting red. I think Noah senses this too because it doesn't take him seconds to act on it.

"Cut it out, will you?" It's not what he says, but the way Noah immediately stands next to her (not in front of her, might I add) and flicks Vilhelm's forehead earns him my immediate approval. "Come on, Spencer." He leads her to the seat right next to me as if he knows what will make Spence feel better, and literally glares at everyone to move on from the distraction of ten seconds. But since he has the intrinsic vibe of a small baby who is demanding chocolate, the rest of the boys don't take offence and instead, listen to him. I sit silently and observe.

Even with a flustered face, Spencer doesn't try to hide her smile. She bloody owns it.

* * *

April and Jeremy returned soon after the entire fiasco with the potential lovebirds in the backyard, which by the way flew right out of the window the moment Noah glared at everyone. I must say, I was impressed. He looks like a goofball who doesn't know what it means to be serious but the way he handled the whole thing with literally just a "cut it out, will you?" clearly proved that I read him wrong. Ever since that one moment, I have been stealing glances at Spencer who keeps fidgeting with her sling bag. Okay she really needs some counselling because I know that overwhelmed is the right word for her.

April looked fine when she walked up to us. I noticed the little hug her and Jeremy shared by the door, so I'm guessing it's all good between them. I like this. I was worried it'll turn into a toxic love triangle which we have watched in abundance, thanks to Korean dramas. When Spencer asked her about the "not-date," April just gave her a reassuring smile that translated into "later." So all in all, everything seems more than fine.

Currently I am with Julian, struggling to get my phone back as he takes advantage of his height and decides to juggle the poor device between his hands. With the short frame that I am stuck with, it is impossibly hard to reach even halfway through the long path that exists between my raised arms and his fingertips holding my phone. I'm afraid he'll throw it up to the stars and then ask me to space travel.

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