strawberry altoids

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Hyeju slumped into her chair, the same chair she sat in every day she came to this class, abruptly placing her tumbler full of black coffee down on the desk. Some of the coffee dribbled out, scorching her hand.

"Shit!" she cursed, quickly wiping her hand on her sweatshirt.

She had woken up in quite the foul mood that morning after sleeping through several of her alarms and missing the first bus to campus. She had been in such a rush, she hadn't had a chance to wash her face or brush her teeth, meaning she both felt and smelled gross.

"Someone's energetic this morning," Hyunjin snickered from beside her, earning a whack in the shoulder. "Did you fall out of your bed again?"

Hyeju glared at her. "Shut up."

The older girl pouted and turned to her girlfriend for back up. "Heekki, she hit me!"

Heejin scoffed playfully and shook her head. "Hey now, don't look at me. I'm not the one poking the grumpy and under-caffeinated bear."

Hyunjin continued to whine at her girlfriend as Hyeju rolled her eyes and returned to unpacking her belongings.

She scrunched her face in disgust when she could literally taste how badly her breath smelled. That's what she got for forgetting to brush her teeth.

Ugh, how gross.

"Hey guys, do either of you happen to have any gum?" she asked hopefully, not wanting to taste last night's dinner in her mouth for the remainder of the lecture.

Heejin shook her head. "Sorry, Hye. I think I finished off my last piece yesterday when I was studying for my music theory test."

Hyunjin also shook her head after digging through her duffel bag. "Nope, sorry, bro."

Hyeju sighed, twirling her pencil between her fingers absentmindedly. Suddenly, she remembered the tin of Altoids she had bought the week before on one of her late-night Walgreens trips. Hyunjin has insisted she go buy a specific brand of ice cream that was only sold at the Walgreens that was a half an hour drive away. It hadn't been there.

After rummaging through the gray tote bag that also held her laptop and composition notebooks, her hand landed on the little shiny box she had been searching for.

She sighed in relief and eagerly popped open the lid. She tossed a mint into her mouth, humming with satisfaction.

The professor clapped his hands twice, signaling the beginning of the lecture as Hyeju set down the Altoids to open her notebook.

"Ooh, that flavor is really good," a voice from her right said. Hyeju turned her head to see who it was and was mildly surprised to see a beautiful girl with bright blonde hair taking the seat beside her. "Could I have one?"

The girl sent her a lopsided grin as she set her bag down and Hyeju's stomach almost exploded from the burst of butterflies suddenly fluttering around inside.

She nodded silently, not trusting her voice enough to reply verbally. The girl cheered quietly as Hyeju opened the tin and shook several white mints into the girl's palm.

The blonde looked at them in surprise. "Are you sure?"

Hyeju nodded quickly.

The girl smiled at her once again, her lips forming the shape of an infuriating adorable heart. "Thanks!"

Hyeju attempted to return the smile and looked down at her lap, a blush creeping up her face. She could practically feel Hyunjin's smirk.

"Heh." Hyunjin's expression was immaculately smug and Hyeju wanted nothing more than to wipe that shit eating grin right off her face.

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