chapter six

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My God, my chicken memory! Why did I forget I had wings at all? In recent months, I've been thinking only about Nan and nothing else. Naturally, I will forget about them, especially since I received them then relatively recently, I didn't even train with them much. They come out only at my request, so without seeing, without thinking about them, I simply forgot! I also have a pillow! My God, I completely forgot about my treasure!"

Verner continued to walk along the path as she saw some girl who was standing near a small fence. She was dressed in a classic butler costume, was quite tall, her hair was dark, and her eyes were blue.

I ask you to go back, you can't go any further," the girl stood confidently and proudly, she was completely confident in her abilities.
— Oya-oya, I've come such a long way, and I'm already being kicked out? — putting on a touchily amazed expression, Verner pretended to be offended. The girl did not react to this in any way. "Hmm, should I kill you all or just beat you up badly?"
"Don't talk nonsense, butlers are stronger than you, you can't even get through me. I'll kill you if you take a single step. — at this statement of complete arrogance, Ri only grinned.
— So I should kill you? — Verner pretended that she was thinking and just said, — Spiritual spear Hilver, form three, Conservation, — a moment and literally out of nowhere a weapon appeared, the spear itself bifurcated at the end. Having made a wave of the hand and it overcame the distance between them with great speed, we will leave a shallow cut on the hand of the girl who immediately became serious, jumping away from that place, she took a protective stance. — Oya-oya, even a small cut is enough to petrify…
— What?! — the girl, not expecting this, froze abruptly, looking at how her body slowly turned into a statue, her eyes widened with shock and horror. In a second it was all over.
— Hmm, it was pretty fast, I don't really want to kill, so they'll do with petrification! Although it's up to me to decide later whether I should clean it up, nevertheless, these are ordinary butlers and, this is their job. So you can do without bloodshed, but I promise nothing!

Verner walked around the statue of the girl and went on, the air was quite clean because of the dense forest that cleansed the air.

— As I remember, it's quite a long walk to the butler manor... actually, why not just fly to your destination?

With these words, the teenager released her wings and set off towards the estate with incredible speed. Seeing that she was being watched, she smoothly landed back on the ground, followed by three butlers who were waiting for the right moment to attack.

— Spiritual spear Hilver, the seventh form, the Thorn of Death, — several vines burst out of the wings of Verner, Ari fed them with nan before that, they abruptly rushed at those butlers. Not expecting this, they decided to start fighting back, two were immediately pierced through from the back. The third was able to dodge and ran at the teenager, Werner removed the Thorns of Death and summoned the usual Hilver spear.

With a flutter of her wings, she rose to the top, with a wave of her hand, Ari controlled her spear easily and simply. Having quickly dealt with the third butler, she went on.

"As I understand it, this is an ordinary crowd, really strong butlers have not come out yet. It's pretty sad that I'm not taken seriously."

From such thoughts, Werner felt a little offended. She has been training for so long, and only extras, ordinary people, are sent to her!

"Then I'll just kill everyone! Don't underestimate the opponent!"

Spreading her wings, she rushed into the sky with all her might, looking around, she saw a building in the distance, realizing that she needed to go there, she went in that direction with lightning speed. She won't feel sorry for anyone. Not this time. The last time she killed was a long time ago, after that came the training. All the bloodlust that she had been holding back until that moment abruptly began to be released. She understands that now many people now know where she is. But she doesn't care, she wants blood! A lot, a lot of blood, it must be shed! Still, let's not forget that Werner, firstly, is a murderer, secondly, a murderer who does not like to regret and is not going to.

When she began to land on the ground, almost all the butlers had long since left the estate, they stood tensely looking at the teenager.

— Oya-oya, don't look at me like that, gentlemen! Today I would like to have fun, I came here to test my strength, after all, I would like to see the butlers of the Zoldik family! — the senior butler came out to the guy, "Goto", flashed through Werner's head, realizing that in the canon this man would play a big — not much — role, she decided not to kill him.
— I would advise you to leave, but you have already gone far enough. You won't leave here alive.  Goto was serious in his words, he didn't feel the three butlers he sent to investigate.
— Hmm, I can't just leave, to be honest, you made me a little angry. I didn't want to cause bloodshed today, but it just so happens that now I want to kill you!  Smiling broadly, Ari abruptly jumped out of her seat, dodging the coin bullets that Goto was now shooting at him with. — Spiritual spear Hilver, form two, Guardian! — calling the wasp, she jumped back again.

At this time, the wasp, dodging, attacked Goto, he did not stop shooting at her, but everything was even, he only touched her, it did not bring much damage. But the man tried not to let the guard close to him, the other butlers attacked Werner, who pulled out the usual small knives filled with shu. She abruptly threw several knives at people, hitting exactly in the head, the accuracy of the guy was amazing. Throwing one towards Goto, he immediately noticed a small knife and dodged sideways, moved into a defensive stance. Verner did not stop throwing knives in the direction of the man, simultaneously killing others. The teenager was distracting the senior butler, who opened so at the wrong time and stupidly. The wasp quickly stung him and disappeared on the guy's orders. By the way, her bite is poisonous, it paralyzes the victim for a short time. That's why she called her.
Finally removing the interfering figure from the platform, she decided to have a good time. Butlers died like flies, one graceful wave and the victim falls.
— Spiritual spear Hilver, form six, Multiplication! — thousands of kunai at once destroyed the remaining opponents, who were already few. Some of them grazed the guy a little, leaving small scratches. Realizing that there was no one left except Goto, who at that time was lying and could not move, Verner felt devastated.
"It became so calm and quiet in my soul."

She was able to pass the test that she set herself. She has become quite strong.

— What?! How is it that almost all the butlers were killed?! — Kikio, and it was exactly her, was just furious. — Who did this?!
— We don't know, madam, Goto called the estate and told them that all the butlers were killed by an unknown girl, who was a teenager. She appeared suddenly opening all 7 sections of the gate of the trial, — the butler began to report on the situation, many of her friends, even friends who were quite strong, were killed.
— My God! Useless! They couldn't even catch and kill one teenager! — the woman went to her husband, who at that time was training his eldest son, Illumi.


Werner used a zetsu and tried to move quietly through the forest.

"Oh my God, I lost control! I killed almost all the butlers, for God's sake, for God's sake, I'm a complete idiot! We need to be more restrained! Otherwise, it will come back to me."

Moving quickly like a ninja through the trees, Werner scanned the area. She would like to find the Zoldikov mansion and, just look from the side. She was not going to go there, she would be easily killed with one blow. If the head of the family still catches her... then goodbye to life!

_ perhaps there will be more mistakes here, I wrote when I really wanted to sleep, but still decided to finish writing ///

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