"Okay, but you can do it yourself," Karlie relents. She reaches for both of Taylor's hands, and although Taylor can see the strained look on her face, and even see the flexing muscles of her arms, the singer can't feel an ounce of the strength she knows the girl to have. She can't even feel Karlie pulling her. Karlie suddenly stops pulling and releases Taylor's grasp. She bends down and picks up a magazine. "Is this true?" Karlie asks, showing the cover to Taylor. The cover describes Taylor's plot to get over men by moving on to women, mainly Karlie.

"No, Karlie!" Taylor exclaims. "Karlie, I'm going to be buried!"

"What about this one?" Karlie asks, holding up a different magazine describing Taylor having an affair with another woman behind Karlie's back.

"No! Please, Karlie!" Taylor exclaims. She is keeping her arms held high, terrified of them becoming buried, as the pile of magazines gets closer and closer to reaching her neck. Taylor is sobbing now, yelling for Karlie's help, but the model is too distracted by all the new lies raining down upon them.

Taylor takes a last look up the staircase, needing to know the source of the magazines that is not so slowly but surely burying her by the second. Suddenly, the top of the staircase becomes clear. She sees her friend Cara, standing beside a very old printing press, watching the magazines pour out of it down the stairs as she talks on the phone.

"Cara!" Taylor yells. "Cara, stop! It hurts, they're so heavy! Please, stop! I'm getting crushed!" Taylor chokes out, but if Cara has heard her she doesn't show it. Karlie is now blocking Taylor's view of the top of the staircase, as the long legged girl has had no choice but to begin climbing the stairs. She couldn't fit in the room Taylor was being buried in anymore, the pile of magazines is too close to the ceiling. "Karlie, you need to stop Cara at the top of the stairs before it's too late! They're all being printed with her right there and she doesn't even know!" Taylor gasps, trying to push away the magazines from her neck. Her body has completely gone numb, having been buried for too long now by a crushing weight. She's being completely buried alive.

"Go up the stairs?" Karlie asks, her voice sounding infuriatingly calm and surprised.

"YES!" Taylor screams.

Karlie nods her head and begins walking up the stairs, all the magazines somehow flying right around her. The singer can't help but begin to panic as she stretches her head up as high as she can, her neck becoming completely covered. Finally, Karlie has made it to the top of the stairs. Taylor watches as Cara hangs up the phone she has been speaking on when Karlie arrives to her. They're both all smiles, greeting each other with a hug as though they haven't seen each other in years. Karlie points a thumb back behind her in Taylor's direction, but neither of them even turn to look at her.

Taylor's ability to scream is taken from her once her mouth becomes covered with the magazines. Karlie leans against the printing press as she animatedly talks to her friend, safely at the top of the staircase. They take no notice of the press which spits out magazines faster and faster, at impossible speeds. How can it print ten magazines at once, distributing them down the stairs at a speed of missiles?

Taylor's last sight before becoming completely buried, is Cara wrapping her arms around Karlie's neck, pulling the taller girl down closer to her. Karlie hesitates and looks down the staircase. Taylor knows that her face is barely visible now because of the height of the pile. Karlie probably can't see the pain or the fear etched across her features, the magazines probably shield her tears. The brown haired girl turns back to Cara, and their lips meet just as Karlie returns the embrace. And then, Taylor's vision goes black.

"TAYLOR!" A voice voice wakes her up.

Taylor shoots up in the bed, body seized up as she painfully trembles, muscles taut. Her body is slick with sweat, she has no idea where she is, but her vision is still black. She shrieks when a firm hand touches her side and quickly moves away. It's a welcome relief when suddenly, a light on the side of the bed illuminates the room, giving Taylor her vision back.

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