"Minamoto-san, I don't know what you're talking about."

"You do. Don't act like you've forgotten."

Akane let out a snicker. "Ironic of you to say. Now you know how I feel."


"Don't act like you've forgotten," he said, his voice imitating Teru's. It sounded more like mocking than anything. "This is ridiculous."

"We aren't even talking about that yet." Teru stared him down. "We will after I figure out what's going on with you, first. I need to know what happened in middle school between-"

"What's going on with me? What the fuck is your problem?" Akane hissed, "You're making it seem like there's something wrong with me. Is that what you think of me?"

"That isn't what I'm trying to say. You're putting words in my mouth-"

"Oh, I'm putting words in your mouth? You are so stupid!"

"Calm down and let me speak-"

"No, you let me speak Minamoto-san." he placed his hands on the table. "I've put up with your shit for a month. I've put up with your fake flirting and your fake little perfect self all this time. You're not going to force me to talk."

"I'm not forcing you. I want-"

"Let me finish." Teru went silent. "Do you know how difficult it was to pretend we never met before all that time?"

"You didn't pretend very well." but he could never be quiet for too long when he was curious. "It was obvious to tell. You unintentionally gave away little hints and spoke of memories-"

"I know that!" Akane sighed. He lowered his voice afterwards. "I know that."

The two stopped speaking again.

Everything was so.. confusing.

What the hell was going on?

"I don't think you should be hiding anything from me." this time, it was Teru's turn to speak first. "Especially after you kissed me."

"..what does that have to do with anything?"

"So you remember it?"

"Of course I fucking remember!" Akane was so easily frustrated. "How could I forget?"

"I'm not sure. How could you forget?"

"Oh my god." he entangled his hands into his messy hair, stressfully tugging at it when he felt like it. "So you were pretending, too? All this time?"

"Pretending what?"

"Minamoto-san.." he whispered, sorrow laced in his pathetic sounding voice. "I can't tell anymore."

"Talk to me, Aoi."

"You were able to remember everything else so well.. Are you pretending not to know on purpose?"

"Spit it out. What are you talking about?"

"Did you really forget about me?"

Teru thought for a moment.

"I never knew you."

"Yes you did." tears dripped from Akane's cheeks and onto the table. "You did."

The blonde stared at the pitiful sight.

He never meant to make Akane cry, (at least not a second time. The first time was bad enough.) of course he didn't- he wanted to find out the truth without hurting him. That didn't work out at all, but he needed answers. If that's how he had to get them, then so be it.

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