The scenario felt natural to them.

To them, though. Not just Akane, who had experienced this before and had it burned into his memory. It felt natural to Teru, too.

It wasn't just because something similar happened at the park, or at least that's what Teru believed. Something else just felt so.. familiar. He wasn't sure how many more times he could use that word to describe them.

Familiar, familiar, familiar.. The word repeated in his mind so often that he couldn't even count it anymore. Akane's eyes were stuck in his memory way before they had even 'met.' His messy red hair had been something he adored years ago. It was like his heart longed to see him.

Because in the end, they weren't just strangers. They never were.

He put his hand on top of Akane's, trying to prove his point.

Akane intertwined their fingers casually. He didn't put any thought into it before acting.

God, what was wrong with him?

Teru felt awfully confused by it. For an entire month, he had been puzzled by things Akane said or did- he decided he finally had enough of it.

Akane could act like he was annoyed by his antics verbally, but would melt at any sort of real affection. Not the way the cheerleaders would get their hearts in a twist when Teru winked at them, but in an actual loving way. It was as if Akane wanted more, like he couldn't get enough-

Did Akane hate him? Was Akane in love with him? Did Akane even trust him? What did Akane really think of him?


"Yeah?" Akane mumbled, he seemed pretty interested in whatever was playing on the TV. "Wait, wait- this is my favorite part."

"Ah, alright."

"I don't care what we used to be," he held onto Teru's hand tightly, reciting the lines he heard. "I care about what we are now."

Teru blinked.

Those lines.. he had heard them before.

He really needed to bring up the past.

"Look," Akane pointed at a character with his free hand, "that used to be your favorite character. You'd always go on about how much he was like you.."

"Did I?"

"You did." there was a small smile on his face. "It's nice to rewatch this show. It's been a long time, I missed it."

Akane was content talking about the past. He was happy.

Teru had to take the chance. If he didn't, he would have been an idiot. (And that's not what he was. He was ridiculously selfish, but that was all.)

"Uh, what were you going to ask me?" Akane backed away slightly to look up at him. He lowered the volume of the TV to listen carefully.

Teru had to start with a smaller question, first. He couldn't just break it to Akane so suddenly, even if that's what he wanted to do.

"Could you be honest with me?" He made sure to keep his tone soothing. He didn't want to startle the other. "Why were you crying earlier?"

"Oh, that.." Akane's eyes darted away, "I told you, I got a B in math. That was it."

"I asked you to be honest."

He let go of Teru's hand, surprised he could see right through him. Usually he was the one who did that. "It's.. not much of a big deal, but I guess I could tell you. Just don't be a dick about it." he paused, "Do you remember when I used to come into the diner while calling someone?"

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