(Here's the ranking system if y'all are confused)

Don't get my wrong Kanao is strong but I was trained more different then she was.

"Sadly no I don't. I could teach you some more flexibility training if you want?" She offered. My eyes lit up with joy.

"Oh thank you Kanao! Your so kind to me!" My grin widened.

Just then we came across Naho, Kiyo, and Sumi.

"Hey there girls!" I waved to them.

"Ah! Y/n-san!" Kiyo exclaims.

"Y/n-San!" Naho smiles.

The three girls come over to greet me.

"How have you three been hm?" I asked them.

"We have been good! We were on our way to make some rice balls! Wanna join us?" Sumi asked.

"I would be delighted!" Just then Aoi comes out of the estate.

"Oh! Y/n. I didn't know you were here." She says.

"I am. Just here to pay a visit." I smile.

"Well it's always good to have company!" She smirks.

Just then the gate of the estate opens, and out comes a tall muscular man.

"Erm hello?" I say raising an eyebrow.

"Ha! I knew it. Kocho did have some little girls laying around here." He exclaimes. We were all confused.

I have a deadpanned look.

"Well if you don't mind I'm going to take you two with me." With in a blink of an eye he pinks up Naho and Aoi.

"Hey! What do you think your doing?!" I asked walking over to him. He had a confused look on his face.

"Put those girls down right now!" I say and stomp my foot to the ground.

"Eh? Why should I take orders from the likes of you?" He rolls his eyes with disgust.

I feel offended and my jaw drops.

"How dare you! I just so happen to be complimented by tones! More than ever you would!" I point my finger at him. I was getting pissed off by this guy.

"Yeah yeah whatever keep dreaming." He says.

"YOU LITTLE-" I was about to lunge at him when Kanao holds me back.


"Yeah drop them now!" Sumi and Kiyo chime.

"Geez be quiet already don't make such a fuss..!" He said with an irritating tone.

"Put me down right now!" Aoi yells trying to let go of the hold.

Kanao let's me go.

The man then starts walking out of the estate!!

"OI GET BACK HERE YOU BUG IDIOT!" I shout and run at him. I grab onto Naho's arms and stand my feet to the ground.

Kanao must have been thinking the same thing because she grabbed onto Aois arm.

"Miss Kanao..Y/n.." Aoi mumbled with tears in her eyes.

We both pull them trying to keep the man from getting away.

"C-CHARGE!!!" Kiyo and Sumi yell as they both charge at the man.

"OI! LET GO OF ME YOU LITTLE FREAKS!" He shouts as we surround him.

"DROP THEM!" I shout and he wiggles around.

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