"Who the hell would send a letter to you-" Father looked startled at the letters sitting before him on our oak dining table. He flashed me a shocked and extremely disgusted look, mother wore a shocked expression on her unusually wrinkled face also, but a second emotion lingered. It was almost like, worry? Maybe confusion.

"How is that possible?" Mother and Father communicated with a few simple nods, not seeming to question the situation any further.

Why was the letter so bad?

Forgetting about me, the both of them turned to Harry and summoned him to his crammed cupboard.

Over the next few days, more and more letters appeared, it was curious. I swear father was going mad. He ended up closing up the mailbox all together by screwing a piece of wood over the top of it. How am I meant to get my magazine delivered monthly now?

On sunday, Harry walked around the sitting room, a plate of custard creams and digestives in his hand. "Ah sundays, the best day of the week. Why is that Dudley?" Harry answered for him, noticing the uncertain look on my brothers red face, "because there's no post on sundays?"
"right you are Harry, no post on sundays. Hah. No blasted letters today, no sir! Not one single bloody letter, not one!" Father sounded almost overjoyed, a smile on his face that I had only ever seen in his wedding photos.

Almost like he jinxed it, letters began to pour through the fireplace. It was almost like it was raining. Noticing my name on a few of them, I tried to grab one. I noticed Harry doing the same. But alas, before Harry or I could get ahold of a letter, father grabbed us both. "That's it! We're going away, far away! Where they'll never find us!"

who are 'they'? Father must have taken some SERIOUSLY strong drugs. My dads a druggie? Oh god.

Laying down on the dusty floor with Harry, I watched him draw a birthday cake. He added each and every candle and flame. it doesn't look too bad, he should be an artist.As Dudleys watch starting beeping- signalising the start of the new day- Harry blew out the fake candles. "Happy birthday Harry." I said "Thank yo-"

But before he could finish what he was saying, the door was knocked down and the sound of waves crashing increased. To make matters even more dramatic, an extremely tall man barged through the space where the rotting, wooden door once stood. Kinda looks like aunt marge I thought, but didn't say. I didn't want to upset the dangerous looking man- if you could even call him that. looks more like a giant. But what am I saying? Giants aren't real.

Harry ran to hide behind a wall, leaving Dudley and I stood frozen by the worn down sofa, a single spring looking as if it's trying to escape the dark, dirty material. "sorry 'bout tha'" The tall man spoke. Mother and Father trembled beside the creaky stairs, father had his gun in hand, ready to shoot.

"Dry up Dursley, you great prune!" The man bent the rifle upwards, causing a bullet to fire. "fucking hell that was scary."
I felt mothers eyes on me, giving me a disappointed look at my choice of words, before turning back to the man.

"Ah, Harry, it's been a while since I saw you. I must say you look different than I thought you would, particularly round the middle" What a rude cun- But before I could finish my thought, Dudley spoke in an unusually high-pitched tone.
"I-I'm not harry"
Harry stepped out from behind the mossy stone wall,
"I-I am"
Well of course you are. The man I later learned to be Hagrid, handed Harry a slightly squashed cake reading 'happee birthdae harry' Hagrid turned to me.

"And you must be Jennifer. You two have been accepted into hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry! of course you'll know all about hogwarts"
"Sorry- no"

"Where do you think your parents-" he said looking at harry before turning his eyes to look at my face, which I assumed to look scared, "-and your aunt and uncle learned it all?"

"learned what?"

"Your a wizard Harry, and Jennifer a witch, and bloody good ones at that, once you learn a few spells."

"we're- what?"


Hagrid explained to Harry his parents history and deaths. It was all a bit tragic really. Growing up, we all believed that they died in a car crash. Mother and Father knew the truth though, apparently.

"Jennifer, I can believe that you are a witch. Just like my sister. Your a freak. I Knew there was something wrong with you from the moment I laid eyes on you! I am disgusted and ashamed and I feel dishonoured to call you my daughter!"

Normally, my parents words wouldn't mean anything to me, I often never take the things they say seriously. But never once had they insulted me as my mother just did. With tears forming in my eyes, I said,

"Why don't you just fuck off then? Your just jealous that your not a witch and I am. You disgust me And i'm dishonoured to call you my mum." And with that, I left with Hagrid and Harry to a place called diagon alley to obtain our school supplies.

Word count: 1343

First chapter of my new book is complete! I am still writing the other one, I just had this idea today and got excited lmao.

Remember to vote and comment any suggestions or thoughts! also don't forget to correct any mistakes i've made so I can fix them.


Alexa xx

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