Part 2: The Kiss

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Before Piper could check the notifications the
bell rung and they all went to lunch

Piper sat down and started texting The Mystery Boy

And she was smiling and laughing. They stopped texting for a moment and she was still smiling at her phone and laughing,
As she was scrolling through the messages they had sent
To each other. Then Gavin walks up to her

G: What are you so happy about?

P: Why do you wanna know?

G: because I just wanna know

P: well, if you must know,
I've been talking to this boy
Lately, he's so nice to me. And
The things he says to me makes
Me feel so special.

Gavin's POV

I'm not even gonna lie, I was
A little jealous when Piper
Said she was talking to a boy
And she clearly likes him

G: well do you like him?

P: Well, kinda

G: Have you ever seen him in real life?

P: No I don't think so

G: then how the f*ck do you like him? You
Never even met him

P: woah calm down What's the attitude for?

G: Nothing

P: Are you jealous?!

G: Of what?

P: that I have a crush

G: Why would I be jealous?!! You
Think I care whether you have a
Crush or not! I don't even care
About you! * Leaves *

Gavin's POV

All of that was a lie
I am jealous that she
Has a crush  and I do
Care, I care about her
I was just angry

Piper's POV

I wonder why he
Got so mad. He
Clearly has anger
Issues. I just wish
He would stay out my
Business and stop acting
Like he cares

Piper needed to calm down
So she started talking to the
Mystery Boy again

The Messages:

P: hey

G: hey what's up

P: you know the boy I told you about?

G: Yuh the one who won't stop being mean to you?

P: yeah him, he's really started to get annoying.
He bullies me sometimes but he stick up for me

G: really?

P: yeah I was getting bullied in the hallway and he
Stool up for me and started screaming his lungs
Out and punching the guy who was being mean to me

G: seems like he has a crush on you

P: * laughs * I'd never date him.
He's so rude and can't control himself

G: Oh, so what are you doing

P: Oh nothing much just sitting in the school lunchroom

G: I'm in my school lunchroom too but I'm
  sitting on the stairs to the stage

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