Chapter 1 - Extraneous Apology

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I burst through the door, covered in sweat and tears. The only positive of... whatever just happened is I made it home unscathed. Aside from that, I feel horrendous. Not only did I cause an awful conflict, but I also did it with that accursed... blast, I don't even want to call it a charm anymore, even if it's the aptest word! I... I need comfort. And I need to vent.

"MY LOVE!" I shout through the tears. "WHE- WHERE ARE YOU?"

As soon as the words exit my mouth, Cherry Blossom Cookie quickly appears before me, running as fast as she physically could towards me. "Oh my goodness, sweetie, you're okay!" she exclaims. "Cherry Cookie and I saw that disquieting monster cover the sky, and we were so worried for you and your safety! Oh my my, you look so tired! Let me get a towel to dry your sweat off!"

"...Thank- Thank you, my love," I reply. She dashes into the kitchen to grab a towel. She then comes back over, picks me up, and gently rubs the towel all over my body. She continuously rubs my face last, but the moisture from the tears does not dry up. ...I don't think she can tell I am crying.

"Are... Are you alright, sweetie?" she asks. I gently shake my head. She then puts me back down on the floor, walks over to the couch, and lays on it, holding her arms open. "Come here, Kumiho Cookie," she says solemnly. "Hold me close."

I transform back into cookie form and walk to the couch. I lay atop my love and cuddle with her, as she requested. I try to stop my tears from flowing, but I cannot, and they flood onto her stomach, getting her dress wet.

"I'm sor- sorry about y- your dress," I choke. "I wish I cou- could stop cr- crying and-"

"My dress isn't more important than your emotions, sweetie," she responds. "Let yourself cry. I'm here for you no matter what!"

...No matter what, huh? God, I hope that's true.

I let myself cry for as long as I need to, which was a much longer time than I would've thought to be necessary. I suppose I'm a bit of a wimp, huh? I look up at Cherry Blossom Cookie, and she lightly smiles.

"Take some deep breaths," my love tells me. "Then, inform me of what happened."

As requested, I take some breaths, and begin; "It's my fault."

Cherry Blossom Cookie furrows her brow. "How so?" she asks.

"I was... I was wandering around, and came across Moon Rabbit Cookie."

"Was that who that monster was?!"

"Yes, but let me finish. They were surrounded by a pile on rice cakes. I asked her if I could have some, and I looked into her eye, and she blushed-"

My eyes have begun to well up again... But I caught myself. Deep breaths again, Kumiho Cookie...

"She blushed, and accepted," I continue. "I had used the chaaaa.... The CHAAaaa..."

"The charm?" My love asks.

"...Yes. She let me have some rice cakes, and then Caramel Arrow Cookie appeared, and the same thing happened with me and her, and... eventually, this other co- cookie with brown and white hair ap- appeared and began to fight with her, and he stepped on one of the r- rice cakes, and I ran away beca- because I was sc- scared of what c- could've happ- happened..."

"And that was a good decision on your part! I'm so glad-"


I haven't the capability to do anything but loudly bawl into my love's chest... But how can I even call her that when I-

"What the hell are you talking about, sweetie?" Cherry Blossom Cookie asks, interrupting my train of thought.


I once more bury my head in her chest and weep. I still love her with all of my heart, but how could that be apparent?! I cannot believe myself... I fully deserve what I know is coming-

"I don't see why that's an issue between us!" she says. 

...What?! Is she.. She's genuinely okay?!

"You're a trickster, sweetie!" She says. "Your charm is just part of your toolkit! What kind of girlfriend would I be to hold that against you when your heart so clearly lies with me?"

I lift my head to look at my love's face. She isn't dawning a face of disdain whatsoever, but more rather a concerned smile... The one she always gives when I'm upset.

"So... I'm not a tra- traitor to you, my love?" I ask.

"Of course not!" she responds. 

"...Are you no- not even angry for the whole situation with Moo- Moon Rabbit Cookie? If I didn't instigate that, you wouldn't've had to be- be so worried."

"I suppose that's true, but how could you have predicted any of those events? Also, you weren't the murderous bunny monster, so you weren't the direct cause of any of my worry anyway! I assure you, you're fine, sweetie!"

I stare deep into her eyes. I know she's being entirely genuine, I can see it.

...As if it wasn't already clear, now I know for sure: I want to be with Cherry Blossom Cookie for the rest of my life. With that realization, I've tightened my grasp on her body and begin to kiss her on the cheek.

"I love you, sweetie!" she says.

"I love you as- as well," I reply, as my lips leave her cheek. "I'll never try to ab- abuse my chaaaa.... y- you-know-what again; not just for you, b- but for me."

"I wish you wouldn't be ashamed of yourself, but do what makes you happy! Would you like me to get you a gift, just to aid your mood?"

"Yes... I- I'd love that, Cherry Bl- Blossom Cookie."

"I'll get going right now then! I'll return shortly! I'll brew you some tea when I'm back, too!"

"Sounds nice... Goodbye, my- my love."

"I'll see you later, sweetie!"

...Now, how on Earthbread do I get this epiphany across?

The One Who I Cherish the Most (Kumiho Cookie x Cherry Blossom Cookie)Where stories live. Discover now