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A/n: The bold lines are scenes from the show and will show the character's name, instead of the actors.

TW: Mentions of rape and sexual abuse (all in the show, so it's fictional).

Toronto, Canada.

Peyton came out of her trailer in a white tank top, grey sweatpants and black leather boots. They were in a quiet suburban neighbourhood, filming an emotional scene between her character, Jasmine and Jeremy's character, Mike.

She went over to Taylor, the director, and waited for Jeremy to come out of his trailer. He was obviously going to be wearing a suit and tie, like in the first season. "Hey Taylor! Which scene are we filming exactly?" She asked him.

"Peyton, hey! We will be filming the scene on page 145. Do you remember which episode we're filming in the next 2 months?" Taylor inquired.

"Fuck. Umm... episode 2, I think? This is the scene where Mike finds out that Jasmine's traumatic past, I think?" Peyton doubted herself, being not sure on what scene she was filming.

"Yep." Taylor just simply said.

Just then, Jeremy came out of his trailer, his script rolled up in his hand. He went up to Peyton and Taylor. "Do you remember what scene we're filming, darlin'?" Jeremy asked Peyton, smirking at her.

"Nope. Cause I'm a dumbass." Peyton giggled. She thought she had short-term memory loss, like her favourite Disney animal, Dory.

"It's the scene where your character Jasmine tells Mike she was a stripper in her past life." Jeremy told her.

"So I was right! Huh..." 

Jeremy just chuckled silently.

"Please don't tell me this is our first kiss scene?" Peyton said, her arms and legs trembling. She wasn't ready to kiss Jeremy. Not yet anyways.

"It's only episode 2 Peyton. Our kiss scene isn't til episode 4-5." Jeremy reassured her, his hands softly holding hers. "No need to worry about it. I thought you did many kiss scenes before this?" 

"Well yeah, but.. this one feels different, you know?"

"I get it. If you want, we can practice it whilst we're not filming?" Jeremy suggested.

"I don't know..." Peyton muttered, scratching the back of her head.

Just as Jeremy was about to reply, Taylor called them to set. Both of them placed their scripts on their chairs and got into position. Jeremy was brushing down his suit as Peyton was brushing her hair out of her face.

"And... action!" Taylor said as the scene started to take place.

"I don't know what you want me to say, Mike!" Jasmine shouted at Mike.

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