After I was done cleaning I sat on the edge of the bed staring at him. After few minutes I started feeling sleepy and didn't even realized when I dozed off in the same position.

" Who are you?! What did you do to me?!" I heard him yell. I looked at him in shock

" Sorry? " I asked

" Who are you? What did you do to me?" He repeated.

" Jihoon stop joking around I already have had enough! " I growled in frustration.

" How do you know my name? " His eyes widened.

" Trust me if you're pranking me then I swear I'll beat the shit out of you! " I yelled at him already in the verge of crying.

" Who are you?! " He yelled back.

" Please stop. I'm already hurt don't do this to me please " I broke into tears. Why is he being like that after showing up after ages.

" I didn't mean to make you cry but I genuinely don't know who you are. " His voice softened.

" Please stop it how can you forget me within just 3 years was I that unimportant to you? " I spoke.

" Maybe you were someone important to me in the past. But 1 year ago I lost my memory in an accident as far as my brother said." He said with a soft smile.

" Accident? What accident? " My eyes widened.

" My brother told me that when I was in US to manage my father's business I got involved in an accident due to which I lost my memory though he never told me what accident it was. " He explained.

" Where is your brother now? " I asked

" He is here in seoul" He replied.

" You have his number? " His eyes widened.

" I have but I won't give you. "

" Why? "

" He'll take me back there and I don't want to go there again. I want to stay by myself "

" Take you were? "

" Home. He wants me to get back my memories but I don't want to. I don't want my memories back I'm fine the way I am. I bet you my past life must have been alot boring. " He doesn't wants his memories back? Where is my pocket knife I'll kill him myself.

" BTW what were you to me in past? Girlfriend? " He smirked.

" I was just a friend." I replied.

" I told you I was an idiot in my past life for not dating you. BTW call me Jun not Jihoon that Jihoon is gone with that memories, this is new me. " He remarked. I clenched my jaw Y/n calm down. He is sick you can't beat him. Its alright.

" Fine. Jun mind telling me how did you get hurt and came all the way here. " I folded my arms.

" I somehow managed to escape from my brother and was walking on the streets were suddenly some gangsters attacked me and that's how I got hurt. I ran and entered in this neighborhood and managed to climb your boundary to hide myself. " He explained. At this point I really want to hug him but he is not that Jihoon I fell in love with.

" You want something to eat? " I asked. He nodded.

" What you want to eat? "

" It's already late at night I don't want to bother you so some Ramen will do. " He replied. I nodded.

I left the room and changed my clothes and wore a black jeans with white hoodie and a black cap and mask to cover my face.

I'll be going to the convenience store to get some rame and grocery. And then I'll buy him some clothes cause I don't want him to stink tomorrow and bother me for clothes.

I decided I'll walk there. I called lino to inform about this to him.

Oh so you do know I exist.

Why is my life so weird?

What now?

Jihoon is at my house now. He lost
His memory. When I returned home
I saw him lying in my yard drenched
In blood.

Oh my god Y/n! What happened
To him?

He was attacked by some thugs.
I need your help.

What is it?

Do you know who is Jihoon's older
Brother? Just get me his name I'll
Do a background check on him

Sure. But how did he lose his memory?

He said that he was in US when he
Got in an accident and lost his

Don't worry everything will be fine.
As soon as I get to know his name
I'll inform you.

Thanks bye.

I did my shopping and got home. I went to his room to check on him and he was doing something on his phone. I went to the kitchen to make him ramen.

" Here. " I said as I kept the bowl of ramen on the table which was situated beside the bed.

" Thanks. " He smiled. His same eye smile. I was about to walk out. But he stopped me.

" Hey don't leave me. I'll be alone. " He said staring at my eyes. It's not him Y/n it's not him don't melt. I nodded and sat on the edge of the bed. He smiled.

" What is your name though? " He questioned

" Y/n"

" So we were friends since? " He asked while slurping his ramen.

" Since high school " I replied.

" Ohh from a long time. " He managed to reply though his mouth was stuffed with food.

" What do you do for living? " He asked after he finished chewing.

" I'm an actress and a model" I replied. Why does it seems like an interview

"Suits you"

" Jun what are planning to do? I mean you said you won't go back home. " I pursed my lips. He looked at me and thought for a while and then smiled wide

" No. " I understood what he was thinking.

" Please?! " He pouted.

" No. "

" Please... " He begged.

" Are you done eating? " I asked changing the topic.

" Yes. "

I took the bowl and went out of the room. What should I do? I can't keep him with me he's annoying. But what if he gets hurt again once he goes out?

I took the medicine which the doctor gave me along with a glass of water and went to his room which is supposed to be mine.

" Here take this. " I gave him the medicine and handed him the glass.

" I won't eat this until and unless you let me stay here. "

" I won't let you stay here if you don't eat this" I said bluntly.

" Fine. " He ate it. I smiled and took the glass.

" Y/n please.. " He requested again.

" Sleep for now I'll think about it tomorrow. " I said and walked out of the room closing the door behind me.

Memory | HIM Part-2 | Park Jihoon| TreasureWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt