Starting the adventure

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We leave the house, full iron armour,diamond swords in hand."Dude we look awesome!" cici says. "Why wouldn't we?"I say. "lol" she says. We walk out, and start the adventure!


We take shelter in a cave. -__-

Woopteefreaking doo! I think out loud. "LAWL" Nik laughs. "it's not funny!" I yell and throw stone at him. He dodges it easily "yes,actually it is!"

He busts out laughing,not seeing the cobble flying at his face. 'THWAK' "OW!" He yells throwing snowballs at me. I got to half heart and then he was about to throw another when he got shot by a Skelton.


"OW" I turn around and shove my diamond sword through his head.

He drops two arrows, a enchanted bow,and four bones! I go up to cici and say, "look what I got!!" waving it in front of her. I take all of my iron and make a anvil. "YOU JUST WASTED ALMOST ALL OF OUR IRON WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT!"she screams at me. "This bow has unbreaking 3 and infinity. I make a regular bow and make the enchanted bow full durability. "want me to name it the now of justice? I got 12 levels." I ask her. "No name mg diamond sword PinkMinecraftNinja's Sword."she tells me handing me her sword. I do. She is happy now.


IM SO HAPPY! Nik literally named my sword that! It's carved into the side. "let's go to bed I'm tired!"I tell him. "yea we should."

'the next day........

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