Thanking Samuel, Albert climbs out of the carriage, taking Eleanor's hand in his as he helps her down onto the pavement.

Their steps between the carriage and the front door feel a much longer walk than the other night as Eleanor tentatively awaits the rest of Albert's story and full explanation.

Inside the dimly lit house, Albert guides her up the flight of stairs and towards the parlour where she met the youngest Moriarty brother a few days ago and they seemingly solved the Jack the Ripper case together.

"What's going on, Albert?"

The door creaks open and Albert strides inside, a confused Eleanor following closely behind.

Tonight, the room that a few nights ago was welcoming and bright is now dark and cold. The few candles scattered around the room glow eerily and the fire crackles in the fireplace.

"We got here as quickly as we could. Eleanor, this is the Moriarty group," Albert announces, motioning to the group of people.

Stood by the drawn cream-coloured curtains are five men, all of various heights and appearances but all sharing the same serious frown. Two are dark-haired, one with long grey hair and two with light blonde hair, one being Louis.

"Introductions can be made later," William says from the sofa, motioning to the sofa opposite him. "Please Eleanor, take a seat."

Doing as he says, Eleanor glances over briefly at the other men, Louis giving her a cold look as she perches on the seat cushion.

"How much have you told her?" Louis questions his brother.

"I explained our plan as the Moriarty group, but in no great detail. I have yet to tell her about our means of carrying out said plans." Albert tells him, the coffee table separating them as he stands firm in his spot. "Will, could you?"

Nodding, William's almond-shaped crimson gaze meets Eleanor's eye and a lump forms in her throat.

"William, what's going on? I'm starting to worry."

"Eleanor," He begins. "I asked Albert to bring you along this evening as I, and Albert too, feel that the nature of your relationship is growing more serious and you shouldn't be left in the dark. Earlier this evening, Fred, one of our members, discovered that a document I was searching for has been taken to be investigated."

Eleanor shares a glance at the short, dark-haired boy, a sullen look on his face. "What do these documents contain?"

"The contents are actually the least important part," William tells her. "It's who's taken them and has an interest in me and investigating me that's the problem. Have you heard of Charles Augustus Milverton?"

Her brows raise. "The media mogul, he owns several newspapers?"

"The one who is nicknamed the King of Media," Albert adds. "That's the one."

The tall, dark-haired stranger crosses his arms, speaking up. "His blackmailing skills are also renowned."

"It's him." William leans back against the sofa. "He's the one who has the documents and is trying to catch me slip up. That won't happen, but he's going to try."

Looking between each of the members of the group, Eleanor purses her lips. "I'm still confused... What is it about your identity that he can't know?"

Sending both his brothers a swift nod, William rests his elbow on the arm of the sofa. "He can't know... That I am the Lord of Crime."

The room is silent for a moment, the group letting the news of their identity sink in as Eleanor stares down at the table between her and William —an unreadable expression on her face.

A cold draft blows through the room and, along with the chilling silence, it sends a shiver down Albert's spine. Eleven sombre and ominous chimes ring out from the old grandfather clock in the corner.

"This must be a shock, Eleanor," Albert takes a step closer. "But, I needed to tell you. I trust you and you mean a lot to me."

Louis speaks up. "Brother, you need to be more honest with her."

Albert nods, taking a seat on the furthest corner of the sofa she's on. "We, as brothers, are the Lord of Crime. As a collective we're the Moriarty group, working as one to take down the evil of this country, striving for a unified nation without a class system to divide us all."

"And us three brothers," William continues. "We are James Moriarty."

Eyes trying to search her face for any indication as to how she's feeling, Albert leans forward. "Eleanor, my dear, please say something."

Blinking, Eleanor raises a hand to her mouth. "So your means of carrying out said plan has been killing nobles?"

"I knew you shouldn't have told her, brother," Louis scowls. "What now?"

Albert raises a hand to politely silence Louis, turning to face Eleanor. "This is all a surprise and I understand that. Take your time and ask as many questions as you would like."

Standing up abruptly, Eleanor strides past Albert and the coffee table without a word. Marching closer to the door, Albert stands up.

"Eleanor, wait!"

She stops, arms by her sides. "What good has come of telling me, Albert?"

Her voice is cold and distant. The tightening in Albert's chest leaves him bewildered and hurt by her reaction.

"I trust you, Eleanor. I want you to know so that I don't keep any secrets from you."

From his seat on the sofa, William clears his throat. "Eleanor, we told you for another reason. Milverton has others means of communication and blackmail, meaning he may end up finding out about our identity and therefore tell you. This is all for your own safety."

A scoff escapes her lips, shaking her head as she's stood turned away from the group. "Do you think I'm stupid?"

"Excuse me?" Albert looks briefly at them all.

She replies coldly. "I know you're the Lord of Crime."


Turning around, she huffs a laugh, darkness behind her eyes. "I've known for a while."




Darkest of Times [Albert J Moriarty] - Moriarty the Patriotजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें