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(summary + cast)

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(summary + cast)

♢ ♢ ♢

Daphne Benson's sophomore year had started off with a bang.


Halloween weekend of 1983 began by being naked in the back of a van, belonging to none other than the notorious school-weirdo, Eddie Munson. And by Monday morning, Daphne walked into school finding out she had been tricked and betrayed by the long-haired drug dealer.

She was branded a freak.

After a week filled with tears and embarrassment, the blonde came to the conclusion that she would make everyone else the problem.

Not her.

So naturally, she let go of anything about herself that could've been considered not normal. She didn't wish to be a freak any longer.

Two years of puberty and one identity crisis later, Daphne Benson realizes she has much bigger things to worry about than counting the number of steps in her Friday night cheer routine.

Unexplainable things.

Her best friend. Her little brother. The news broke out everywhere, and not a single person in the state of Indiana can give her a clear answer of what's going on.

Except one. How ironic.

Now, Eddie Munson is asking the ponytailed cheerleader to put her trust in him one more time.

But this time, the stakes are much, much, higher.


Elisabeth Shue as Daphne Benson

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Elisabeth Shue as Daphne Benson

"Hellfire, huh? I kinda thought you guys just sat
around a bonfire and summoned spirits
every Wednesday night."

It's My Party
Lesley Gore

♫ It's My Party ♫Lesley Gore

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