losing my goddamn mind.

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"I haven't told Tony yet. I hope he's okay with it."

"Why wouldn't he be? He knows why and how much you despise Howard and he's not around anymore anyways."

"True but.. I don't know. Nevermind."

"You sure?" Steve questioned.

"Mmhm." She put on a fake smile.

Right before Steve was about to interrogate her, Peter came up at the right moment.

"Stassie, we're playing never have I ever with Yelena and Wanda, wanna join?"

Stas turned to Steve for approval, knowing he wanted to continue their conversation.

"Go. Go have fun." He rubbed her arm and told her he'd catch up with her later.

Peter took her to the movie room where Wanda, Yelena and.. Bucky were.

"Wait I thought you said-" She began as she turned to Peter.

"Oh oops. I guess we have another member."

Peter did that on purpose. 100%.

"Okay then."

"Actually I don't wanna play this. Let's go do something else!" Wanda suggested with Lena and Peter getting up quickly.

"Wait what the fu-"

Before they could hear her, the door was locked shut leaving just Stas and Bucky in the room.

"Was this your idea?" Stas asked growing with irritation.

"Just hear me out, okay?"

"Oh my god. Oh my god, Bucky. This is ridiculous."

"What is, Stasia?"

"THIS! Bucky, I'm engaged, okay? I'm engaged. I'm so beyond happy that words can't express it. We can't be anything. This is over. I'm glad we happened but.. I just... I just.. I can't."

He walked up to the girl in front of him who was out of breath and staring a whole through the wood tiled floor.

The room lights were dim and now the only thing they could hear was each other's breathing due to the sound proof walls.

"Look at me." His voice so gentle and quiet.

She shook her head slowly. A sniffle escaped her nose and Bucky took his hands and placed them on her cheeks.

"Stasia, please look at me." 

Her breath was waving and another sniffle let itself out.

He took his hands and slowly brought her face up to look down at.

A tear that was pooled in her left eye, cascaded down her rose powdered blush face.

"I've put you through hell." She whispered, her lip quivered.

"You act like that hasn't gone both ways, doll." He whispered back, looking into her honey eyes.

Her red lipstick, mascara on eyelashes that were sky high, masked how unwell she was.

"You know how well I know you right?" Bucky wiped her tear away with his thumb.

She nodded.

"So you know that I know part of your heart is still mine, right."

She was about to nod and then- stopped.

"Buck I-"

"I already know, Stasia. You can try and lie to me al you want but I know."

The little StarkOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz