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POV: Subject 0

It's been 2 days since I've woken and training has been fun but very tiring at the same time. I've been training with dr kylie and it turns out she I's very good at hand to hand combat because she keeps twatting me everytime we spar. I have my own room where i have  other tops that are not so itchy and a boxing bag with some tape to keep training and I'm now aloud to wonder around the place it's pretty big and there are alot of people here but none have talk to me because they I think are scared of me dr kylie was at first but she got to know me and now we are pretty close friends.

We have just finished training and I'm all sweaty and in pain from the hardwork when I see dr kylie I shout her name and she makes her way towards me *you know you dont have to keep calling me dr kylie is just fine zero, anyways what's up?* kylie yeh ok and well ummm I've wanted to ask this for a long time but how come when we first met you was scared of me? *that's a good question I told you that it was just a bad day but the real reason is dr heart said that you are one if not the most powerful being of our kind not just with your muscles but with your abilities that you are soon to master and the fact that you could have an outburst since you I was the first person who had talked to you in person and touched you in person the first person to make eye contact with your beautyful grey eyes shit did I say that out loud sorry?* dont be sorry and what abilities will I have? What are yours? How long will it take until I'm allowed out of here? *I have only mastered 3 of mine but dr heart says there will be more to come in time and if you want we will start focusing on unlocking yours tomorrow so far I have thermal vision thingy and I can see through walls with it and see in the dark and then I have this weird and useless one where I can make flowers and plants grow anything to do with nature and wildlife then my last one isnt fully controllable but I can morph into this demon kind of creature I have wings and massive claws my skin turns dark purple and grey spikes shoot out of my arm at my elbows and spine I spit electricity and I'm pretty scared of it to be honest it's only happened 2 times when I've got super frustrated* wow does it not hurt when you change? And will I have the same abilities? I have so many questions sorry it's just so intriguing theres so many things I want to know. *well that can wait ti tomorrow zero I'm going to get some sleep and talk to dr heart see yah soon* oh ok that's fine kylie I should probably get some sleep too cya tomorrow. I walked back to my cabin sat on my bed with my head against the wall music playing off this old ipod that kylie gave me she says it one in a million chance to find one that works and that you used to be able to download songs onto it but theres no wifi so I cant anymore but there are already some songs on.

I lay there on my bed head to the ceiling listening to music and slowly my eyes get heavy until I was asleep.
HUMANS ALL FIGHTING! for what I dont know I fall and land on a dead man's body I scream panic I see a weeping stand up and look around my surroundings the sky was blood red! Flying creatures swooping down and picking people up then dropping them from a far height until they died! Humans going crazy with there guns shooting at everything that moves its carnage everyone's killing everyone when all of a sudden a massive guy with a sword boots me to the stomach his eyes golden with his shiny light armour, he swings his sword straight towards my head!

I woke screaming scared and panicked kylie had rushed in trying to wake me but she coudnt and I woke up on my own accord she said I was kicking out and hitting things in my sleep I look around my room and shoure enough I was hitting things as my whole room was a tip my mirror was smashed the punching bag was split bed broke lamp smashed on the other side of the room and I dont even remember doing it.

This is all crazy I said it felt so real there was murder it was a massive war all sort of creatures where was I?  dr heart why was I there?? I'm soo confused I must train harder I felt harmless and weak when I was there but why was i even there! Dr heart are you even listening!?
*yes I'm listening I think i know the explanation for this do you remember when I said that you will regain your memory in time? well I think that was part of your memory tryin to come back you see when you have been floating in a tank for 1000 years some of your brain cells start to die if you was human you and ur whole brain would be rotted to the bone but your a zeltin and your strong so come of your brain cells have started dying and made you start to loose memory that was when u was in there for like 600 years but 1000 I'm surprise that they are actually coming back this is amazing you should carry on traing with dr kylie but in time your memory will come back and you will remember your old fighting style and will be stronger then ever you will remember how to use your abilities! Holy shit this is amazing!*

4 days later

I've unlocked 2 of my abilities kylie helped me do it tho I can faze through any object on command but I dont do it much as i feel I'll get stuck in the wall and the other one is my insane grip and speed I can climb any surface with ease and at insane speeds to I can launch my self into insane heights. Me and kylie have also been training an old fighting method and its insanely hard you use these old wooden spiny things and you hit it and it spins all the way round and comes back to hit you so u got to hit it again or move and theres like 3 thing you need to hit and dodge all at the same time it's crazy I've beaten kylie the first time today  in the 6 days ive beaten her in sparring I made her time by gazing through her punching her in the ribs then spinning kick her to the face and then I launched for the sleep choke I got my arm round her throat and my other round her head locked in with mine I squeezed until she tapped and I was buzzing for the whole day until tomorrow.......

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⏰ Last updated: May 30, 2022 ⏰

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