Chapter 17: Yellow Mountain

Start from the beginning


After about 3 hours they group stopped for breakfast near a restaurant. The restaurant was decorated in a modern vintage style, looking so beautiful and elegant.

Zhan and his friends sat at a separate table while Yibo and Ziyi joined with Mrs. Xiao and Yanli. Yibo peeked at Zhan's table and sighed in relief when he saw Fei wasn't clinging to Zhan. After placing their orders, they started to have breakfast. But suddenly, little Yuan started to cry. Yanli stopped eating and went to the van to feed Yuan. Yibo noticed Yanli had only a few bites, so he ate quickly and went to the van to to help Yanli. When Yibo approached at the van, Yanli was finished feeding Yuan, and was trying to put her baby to sleep. Yibo took Yuan in to his arms and asked her to finish breakfast. The little bean is already dozing off after drinking milk untill he is full. Zhan who saw her sister leaving the table when Yuan is crying, also came out after eating to help Yanli  but stopped in the mid-way when he saw Yanli giving Yuan to Yibo's arms. So he returned to his table again.

After finishing their breakfast, the group resumed their journey. Around 7 in the morning, they arrived at the hotel they had  reserved in Huangshan. They intended to stay in that hotel today and travel to Wuyuan tomorrow. The main reason is that they planned to visit Yellow mountain in Huangshan. Especially their two photographers, Yubin and Zhan wanted to photograph the sunset in yellow mountain. Watching the sunset and sunrise is a very popular and highly recommended Yellow Mountains activity after all.

A/N: The Yellow Mountains, also called Huangshan (the Scenic Area, not the city or prefecture) is one of the most famous and beautiful mountainous areas in China. It was listed as a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 1990. Its spectacular natural scenery includes oddly-shaped pines and rocks, seas of cloud, hot springs, sunrises and sunsets.

After unloading the baggages and arranged them in their respective rooms, they started the journey to Huangshan mountain. Everyone was so excited. Mrs.Xiao told she is too old for hiking and all, instead stayed in the hotel taking care of little Yuan. So others can enjoy in peace. 

They arrived at the mountain and use cable cars half way and hiked the rest up to the peak.

Yibo walked with Yanli when he saw Ziyi got along with Yubin

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Yibo walked with Yanli when he saw Ziyi got along with Yubin. He can see Yubin is trying to get close with Ziyi. Yubin is interested in Ziyi starting from their first encounter.

Everyone was fascinated by the beauty of the environment. They enjoyed the fresh air, beautiful scenery. It was very relaxing and calming. Zhan and Yubin didn't forget to capture every beautiful views and moments. They had lunch at a mountainside restaurant.

In the meanwhile, Yubin came and started to take photos of Yibo.

"Yibo look at this way! lift your chin! Yeah stay like that! Wow that's good!" Yibo was making poses like a model when Yubin saying so.

"Yibo look at this way! lift your chin! Yeah stay like that! Wow that's good!" Yibo was making poses like a model when Yubin saying so

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"Yubin-ge that's enough! I'm not a model." In few minutes Yibo whined. Others were photographed by Zhan and Yubin as well. But it's obvious that Yubin grabbed more of Yibo's shots than the others. Yibo shifted his gaze to Zhan. He noticed Zhan taking shots of Fei like a professional photographer. Yibo stuck out his tongue in annoyance.

"You look handsome more than a model Yibo!" Yubin winked while checking the shots

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"You look handsome more than a model Yibo!" Yubin winked while checking the shots.

To be continued...

Hi guys, it's after so long. 🥰 Nice to see you again. Anyway thanks for waiting. So I'm gonna give you a reward. Today will be double updates. Stay tuned. Hehe..😁

For your information:  Zhan can be childish whenever he is jealous 😅

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