Chapter 1; Being good

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I'm not sure why I grew up believing that being good has a happy ending. Maybe it was the tons of bed night stories or cartoons that made me think so. But whatever it was I've come to realise that it's all bullshit.

No one wants to know if you're good. No one cares, it's why good people die early, they don't ever live long.

My dad died helping an old woman cross the street. One minute he was waving her bye from across the street ready to walk back to me and take me home, then the next minute a car comes out of nowhere and hits him.
He died on the spot in front of me. And guess what,he was killed by that old woman's son.

After that I should have known better, I should have become evil, no one would have blamed me. But no, I had to let myself down.

I let my boyfriend become my best friend's tutor. I should have seen it coming, I didn't. Next thing I know the whole school is calling me a prude cause Stacey, my supposed best friend spread the word that I lost my boyfriend to her since I wouldn't even kiss him.

No one wants to know my side of the story, my almost none existant social life went down the drain and she used it against me in winning the position of president of our school's drama club. The one which I was supposed to win if she didn't throw all my secrets to the public.

I was so stupid. Not anymore though cause now I'm willing to pull every string and play every single dirty game just to make sure that she pays dearly for her betrayal. I'm done being good.


I'm done with the first chapter, how was it?😜

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