Chapter 7- First Game of the Season

Start from the beginning

"God, Aaron is on fire." Katie states as Aaron scores yet another point for his team.

"I know."

Once the game is over, we head to the front area where the players exit after the game.

I see Aaron and Leo coming from around the corner with a few other guys on their team.

"Hey, we're thinking of going out to dinner to celebrate the first win of the season. You guys wanna come?" Leo asks Katie and I.

"Sure. We'll meet you guys there-" Katie says. I look over to see Andrew now too. I walk away from the conversation to say hi to him.

"Good game." I say with a smile.

"Thanks. I'm glad you came." I can't help but notice how attractive he looks right now.

"I'm assuming you're coming to dinner with all of us right?"

"Yeah." I reply and we begin walking outside together. When I look over to find Katie, I see she's still talking to Aaron who happens to be staring at me with an unreadable expression on his face. Odd...

When me and Katie arrive at the diner, we see most of the team sitting at a booth. I can tell it's them because of how loud they're being.

"Well look at that, our fans finally showed." Leo jokes which causes everyone to laugh.

"I'm actually here to ask for an autograph." I reply. They all greet us as Andrew scoots down to make room for me. Katie goes in between Leo and Aaron who are across from me.

"We ordered a few pizzas." Andrew tells me. "They should be coming soon."

"That game was way easier than I thought." Andrew says to the table.

"Yeah but don't get too cocky man. Ridgewood always finds a way of coming back stronger." Aaron replies a bit aggressively.

"I know." Andrew replies while giving Aaron a questioning look.

After the food comes, everyone starts digging in.

"Ella you're not gonna have any?" Aaron asks me.

"I'm just not really hungry." I reply.

"More for me." Liam says.

"You look really pretty." Andrew whispers to me among the loud conversation going on between the rest of the people at the table. I automatically blush at that comment.

"Thanks." I reply.

"Bullshit, Lily can do way better than Mark and we all know it." Katie yells. She's currently getting into a heated argument with Leo over a show they both watched. Katie is very open about her opinions on things.

"Ella, you watched the show too. Whose side are you on?" Leo asks me.

"I gotta go with Katie on this one. Mark is a dick."

"Ayy watch the language." All the guys at the table reply.

"Oh please." I reply with a laugh.

Later on into the night and I was getting more tired. Katie had been really hitting it off with one of the hockey guys on the team Liam.

"I think I'm going to go with Liam." Katie declares. "Can you get a ride from someone else?" She asks. Go Katie. Katie isn't like Aaron when it comes to dating people, I mean she has had a few serious boyfriends but she is usually just down to have fun, no strings attached. Which I respect.

"I'll drive her." Andrew offers.

"Problem solved." Katie says as her and Liam leave the diner.

"Ella, you need a ride?" Aaron asks, coming up to us.

"I got her man." Andrew says.

"Alright well i'll see you two." Aaron says along with the rest of the guys.

"It's freezing." I say once we get outside. We begin running to his truck due to how cold it is.

"Gosh your car is always warm. I love it." I say.

"Just for you." Andrew replies.

"I love this song." I say once I hear Out of my League playing from the radio. Andrew looks at me and smiles as he then proceeds to turn the radio up.

After a couple minutes of short conversation, we finally pull up to my house.

"Well thanks again for the ride. I feel like you're always having to drive me places." I say as I unbuckle my seatbelt.

"Yeah don't mention it." Andrew turns to me and grins. His gaze then shifts to my lips. He begins to lean in and our lips connect. The kiss started off slow but quickened really quickly. He is a really good kisser. Too good. I pull away for a second to catch my breath and process everything and before I know it, our lips are on each others again. I finally pull away and smile.

"I'll see you." I say as I get out of the car.

When I get home, I quietly tip toe upstairs. I lay down on my bed to process what just happened. I just made out with Andrew. I can't believe it. I couldn't help but think of what was going to happen next. Was something going to form between us or is this just a one time thing? I'm broken out of my thoughts by a text from Aaron.


Did you get home alright?

I reply with a thumbs up and shut my phone off. I'm too tired to think about anything else but sleep at the moment. 

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