The Beginning

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This is the day. The day I can finally take the first step to having my dream job. I've dreamt of being a sports commentator since i was 5, and today on my 18th birthday, my dreams are coming true. I've lived in Atlanta and been obsessed with the Braves since I was a kid, but today I will do my first interview with an actual player.
Apparently the guy I'm supposed to interview is a big shot pitcher from California (little did i know he would do a big {cum} shot in me). I have never been so nervous in my life.
When I made it to the park I went to the office where I was supposed to pick up my outfit and my badge but the second I opened the door I ran into this hunk. and let me tell u, Not only was he a hunk, he was a big stud muffin!🧁 As I bumped into him I looked directly up because he was so tall, at first he didn't see me but he looked down grabbed my shoulders and asked, "Are you okay??" and that's when I realized this was the first time I knew someone was going to be in my life forever.
I leaned my head back and look straight into his piercing emerald eyes, giggled, and said "Yeah, i'm ok, only cause you caught me though." I was shocked hearing those words come out of my mouth, I was never the kind of girl that could be direct like that.
He does this kind of half smile and says, "Well there's no chance i'm letting someone so gorgeous take a fall."
I look him up and down and he's wearing  scruffy Nike Jordans, jeans (BULGE ALERT), and a white tee. I assumed he just worked at Truist so I asked if he knew where the nearest restroom was so I could freshen up my make up. he walked me there as we made some small talk, and finally we arrived. i had felt like i knew him forever, but then I realized I had said bye without catching his name.
About 5 minutes later I walk out and head back to the office, grab my outfit and badge, and headed to my interview room.
Once I was in the interview room I locked the door and began to change, I got into my bra and thong and then I saw the door handle turn. I heard a familiar voice say "oh shit, my bad." and then I realized, it was the hunk I bumped into earlier. as he tried to shut the door, i told him he could come in. i was almost dressed anyways so i wasn't uncomfortable. he walks in with his head down and his dick up. he turns to the wall as I put my pants and top on. at this point, we were both very confused about what either of us were doing there.
" i'm here for the internship and I'm supposed to interview a player. am i in the wrong room or something?"
"well this is definitely something. i'm supposed to be interviewed by a girl named May Copeland" He says as he readjusts.
"That would be me, i'm guessing you're Mr. Fried?" I answered
"Girls I just saw half naked can call me Max." He said with that same half smile.

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⏰ Last updated: May 29, 2022 ⏰

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