Freedom and Despair

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Indeed the Narrator noticed Stanley was being a slight bit hesitant. He however was writing it off as he simply didn't remember all the past resets, which tended to happen. His memory was a bit askew.

[YN] stood in the office for a moment, her hands becoming a bit sweaty at what was happening. She needed to move, stepping out into the offices and peering around nervously. Just like the game, she thought. Theres nothing different here. Just an empty office.

"All of his co-workers were gone. What could it mean? Stanley decided to go to the meeting room; perhaps he had simply missed a memo. "

[YN] felt slightly reassured. It seemed the same as the game. Despite what she did, she didn't think death was a reasonable punishment.

Timidly, she looked through the office, looking at the many computers and touching keyboards to turn off the monitors. Just like in the game. She did not see the "Awaiting input." computer however. She was mentally putting things together.

"Stanley went around touching every little thing in the office. But it didn't make a single difference, nor did it advance the story in any way."

[YN] looked up slightly, knowing how very little patience the Narrator had. She needed to move faster than she was already. But not too fast as the Narrator needed to talk. Thinking to herself. She began her walk out of the office, still glancing down at her legs which were not hers. She didn't mind being taller honestly. And being in a male body, she weirdly couldn't complain.

It didn't take very long to come to her favorite part. The two open doors. She knew this would test her anxiety. The Narrator did not take long to speak.

"When Stanley came upon two open doors, he entered the door on his left."

Feeling as though a pair of eyes were on her, she moved, Pacing carefully, she walked through the door on the left, sighing again as she hoped to just reach the end quickly, but not fast enough to anger the Narrator. She hated how the door shut behind her. She then walked into the meeting room.

"Yet there was not a single person here either. Feeling a wave of disbelief, Stanley decided to go up to his boss's office, hoping he might find an answer there."

She stood in the room for a moment, looking at the pens and markers. She thought about grabbing them and using them to write. She stared at the screen projector, watching the many images go by. She had seen this already.

I could use the markers....But....I'm too afraid. She thought.

Not knowing why she was so terribly afraid, she walked out of the room. It was like a strange impulse to listen to him. She was pleasantly surprised to see the broom closet. But she decided to walk passed it, not wanting to irritate the Narrator. Although the dialogue was hysterical. She would do it later...if she was still here.

She was surprised when she came to the stairs, looking up and already feeling like if she climbed it, she would be tired by the end. She hesitated for a moment. And the Narrator soon spoke.

"Coming to a staircase, Stanley walked upstairs to his boss's office."

She then glanced down, seeing the stairs leading to the other ending. She would rather not die. Or be exposed to whatever made Stanley float around and see stars. So she did as he said, climbing the stairs one at a time, already feeling out of breathe at reaching the first level. She sighed unhappily, not being in any real shape to run.

"Stanley was clearly out of shape. Which showed what kind of worker he was. He never worked a day in his life."

[YN] whipped her head to glare at the ceiling, a scowl taking over her face. Oh, the Narrator was going to pay bigtime when she gained back her voice. After an agonizing several minutes of climbing she reached the office, surprised at how...nice it really looked in person. Seeing the leather couches and the endless books which were probably blank...she liked this.

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