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The part no one likes, but everyone needs to read. Let's get started.

 Let's get started

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1. No bribing the judges!

2. Follow the KirukkanGuild and Alana_Sinclair

4. (Optional) Post these awards on your board to advertise them.
The more people hear about these awards, the faster we can get to judging!

5. (Optional) Add this book to a public reading list.

6. Add this book to your library so you can stay up to date!

7. Books must be in English.

8. Books must be at least 3 chapters long (prologues count, aesthetics etc. do not).

9. Password is any 5 letter word.

10. You may judge and participate, but you cannot judge the genre you're entered in.

11. You can only enter one book, and an announcement will be made if this is changed.

12. Books must be under 50k reads (at the time of application).

 Books must be under 50k reads (at the time of application)

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1. Follow KirukkanGuild and Alana_Sinclair

2. (Optional) Put these awards on your board to advertise.

3. (Optional) Add this book to a public reading list.

4. Add this book to your library to stay up to date!

5. You must read at least 3 chapters of each of the 10 books.

6. Password is any 4 letter word.

7. When the category is announced, you will have about 3 weeks to send the results (I can be flexible). I will be checking in on Discord!

8. Provide a short review (about 150 words) for your 1st place book.

9. Give some writing advice for your bottom 2 books. Please be nice about it!

11. All judges new to judging at KirukkanGuild need to go through an approval process.

12. You are not required to vote and comment on the books you read, that is totally up to you.

13. Judges are allowed to opt out of mature.

14. Check the Discord!

If you have any other questions, comment here!


With the light at the top of the universe, the particles began to separate. The lightest particles floated up to form the Plain of High Heaven, or takamagahara (高天原). The heavier particles couldn't float, and remained below to become Earth.

The Ōkami Awards [Closed]Where stories live. Discover now