Chapter 2

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Once they pull into the festival everyone gets out of the limo and headed backstage. Eddie pulls Loren in close

Eddie: I am incredible proud of you

Loren: Hey none of this would have happened if it weren't for you

Eddie: True

They laugh

Eddie: But you're amazingly talented! I have no doubt in my mind you still would of done this on your own

Loren looks up at him

Loren: I love you

Eddie: I love you too

They kiss, but Jake and Kelly pull them apart

Kelly: Loren we've got to go

Jake: Us too

Each group walk away

Eddie: Have fun!

Loren turns back to him

Loren: Love you!

Kelly: Yeah, yeah you love each other, we have to go!

Loren: Kelly less than 72 hours ago I thought my boyfriend was dead. Relax

Kelly: I know but Loren this is a big deal!

They yell

Loren: So is having Eddie back!


Now to Eddie and Jake:

Jake is talking but soon notices Eddie looks distracted

Jake: Hey man, you ok?

Eddie: If I tell you something, you have to swear not to say anything to anyone

Jake: Yeah of course, what's up?

Eddie: You know that girl that helped me, Leah?

Jake: Yeah...

Eddie: She... she kissed me

Jake: Dude

Eddie: It was only for a second and and I pushed her away right after I swear!

Jake: dude!

Eddie: I told her it was wrong and that I loved Loren

He pauses

Eddie: What if Loren doesn't forgive me?

Jake: I just don't know man. I mean you kissed another girl

Suddenly someone walks up and everyone gasps

*Cut to another setting*

Sanders House:

Lisa knocks on the door

Lisa: Hey, what are you looking at?

Mel: Loren and Eddie. Their everywhere!

Lisa: Well Eddie is a superstar

Mel: Well now so is Loren

Mel closes her laptop

Mel: Well I'm going to Adam's

Lisa steps in front of her

Lisa: Wait Mellissa, we need to talk

Mel: Okay what is it?

Lisa: Sweetie. Beth. She. She died last night.....

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