Chapter One

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"Now your exhibit pieces WILL be finished by 6 months, this is a very important opportunity for you all!"
"Yes professor Ackerman..." The paint and art splattered room of honors students hesitantly replied to the up tight Levi Ackerman, your major's head director . Small bits of chatter began to erupt as the students gathered their overly used art supplies and placed their pieces in progress on the rack for later use. You were staring at your piece, waiting for a spark of a deeper meaning come to you to help you make your piece as well done as possible, you feel a pencil softly flick your head.

"KNOCK IT OFF BALDY!" You sarcastically muttered.
"Awwww come on Y/n! You gotta loosen up foreal, nothing will come to you if you try too hard . YOU GOTTA LET IT COME NATURALLY!!" Your best friend theatrically says as he jokingly starts to twirl around the art room, professor just rolls his eyes and starts to pack his things.

"Yeah yeah whatever you say buddy, let's go already. I'm fuckin famished!"
"Me too."He slyly yanks his folders from the table to his bag, following you out of the room.
  The art students at Paradise University are a different breed of people, usually whenever you saw people in college go the arts path they seem miserable , like they are stuck in a path they can't get out of. Since Paradise Uni is an IV league school , almost everything is a competition against the best and well.... the best. Everyone around you is extremely talented, and it only makes you want to work harder. Your best friend Connie Springer is one of your biggest enemies in the art world, I guess his chaotic thoughts splatter onto the canvas in such a beautiful way you almost wonder if he has some other alter ego he has, but your biggest enemy as one of the top students in your program...

    Jean Kirstien.

AN: Really short chapter, kind of like a teaser hehe. How do we like the feel? I have a really good feeling about this story. :)-Camille<3

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