"Kea is here! You know, that designer? Kero." She replied, moving her hands around.

"I don't know who that is... But no matter that, why is she even here? Wait, didn't Mina say she was in Russia?" I asked again.

"Yeah, but she said she was looking for someone. So she asked some of our classmates about it, but ended up having a big group of people swarming her..." she chuckled.
"-Maybe you could help."

"How could i possibly help..."

"She said she was looking for a blonde man, blue eyes, a bit of tanned skin and a skinny figure. I think she's talking about your dad since he's the only one i know who is described like that." Tsuyu replied.

'I wonder why she would want to find my dad...'
I shook my head; "all right then, take me to this fAmOuS Kea."

Tsuyu grabbed my hand and ran off towards the direction of where the swarming is and the designer.

Just as the view got closer and closer, i could see medium length brown locks in the distance, with an all too familiar pair of green eyes.
And i would be lying if i said her outfit wasn't cute, she really is a designer.

We finally arrived and we both stood behind the woman, known as Kea. I slightly tapped her shoulder, making her turn around.
'Why does she feel so familiar...'

"U-um... you said you were looking for someone, i might have an idea who..." i nervously spoke, avoiding as much eye contact that i could.

Kea widened her eyes a bit when she saw me, i didn't understand why but i just shrugged it off.
"Great! Can you show me the way then?" She started. Her voice also sounded familiar; so soothing, yet not too deep or too high.

I nodded and gestured for her to follow me.
Beginning to walk away, she was straight behind me. The crowd eventually took this as an cue to leave the woman out of respect, they were happy either way to at least get an autograph or photo with her.

We were finally in an quiet hall on our way to the small room my dad stayed in, i really wondered why she would he looking for me.

"You really don't remember me, huh?" She started, making me look at her.

"Well... you do awfully feel familiar. Maybe that's because i've probably seen you in magazines or something." I chuckled.

Kea formed an 'O' shape with her mouth and continued to walk.

We at last came to a stop in front of the small room and i knocked three times on the door. "We're coming in." I said, opening the door.

"What do you mean we-" Toshinori started, but cut himself off immediately when he saw Kea.
His eyes went wide, and his mouth dropped. It almost looked like as if tears were about to fall from his eyes.

"Um, dad? You going to explain anything? Or you?" I pointed to both my dad and Kea.
They both looked at me, and saw that Kea had a small smile on her face.

The silence broke when dad spoke up; "how could you approve the help of Midnight to help you design her costume." He chuckled, shaking his head.

"Ahh~ well, she insisted! I mean, she is my best friend after all. She was complaining the whole time." Kea responded.

I just stood there baffled.
"Wha- so you actually designed my costume? Mina didn't lie..." i mumbled the last part.

Kea looked back at me; "yes i did! Didn't you see behind your collar a small imprinted 'K'? You're still not observant as ever when i last saw you." She laughed.

BNHA x reader - Eye seeing atomsحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن