"We already have one." Connor smiles at me while Hunter holds his phone up to show me the group chat. I knew that they had one because Austin had already told me about it. I just want to show coach that I am not aware of it. "I was not aware of that. I would like to be part of it so I can join the next activities."

Dallas nods his head because he is trying to be more civil. Brynn might have told him that I don't feel welcomed by the team. I told her not to care about it but that was a stupid idea. She cares about me and saw that it did bother me that they didn't invite me to some of those activities.

"Can someone enlighten me on why Mason hasn't been in it since he got here?" Coach looks at the group and no one decides to open their mouth. "I am going to find out so you better tell me now."

"I think we added the wrong number." She doesn't look pleased about it. "I am not going to see this through the fingers. But for now, you can all leave so you can go to your classes. This is not going to be the end of this situation, mark my words."

Everybody starts to run to the locker room while I stay behind. I didn't really want to go to the locker room since it takes a long time before I can get into the shower. I don't have any class until late afternoon so I will take a shower at the apartment.

"Mason, can I talk to you?" Dallas stands beside me now with his bag over his shoulder. He still has his soccer clothes on so he probably has the same idea as me. "I am sorry for how we acted in the beginning. Brynn told me that you would give us a chance but we decided not to let you."

"It is okay. We can start over right?" He looks at my hand before he shakes it firmly. "I don't know what it is between you and my sister but don't break her heart. She might not show it often but she cares about you more than you think. And I really don't want to get violent because I do think you are a decent guy."

"And I am sure that your punches are going to be harder than her previous boyfriends." He crosses his arms over each other and it is the first time that I have seen him this serious. He is more of a fun guy who doesn't like to be too serious. He always jokes with everybody on the team but not when it comes to his sister apparently.

"I can't promise not to hurt her because I am clueless when it comes to feelings but I am learning for her. I have no idea what we are but I am trying my best." He chuckles. "This is going to be so much fun to watch. You guys are so clueless and don't realize how much the other person likes you."

"She told you that?" He shakes his head. "She doesn't have to tell me that. I can tell by how she acts around you. She feels comfortable around you."

"Look, I really want to try since she is my twin sister and I love her. Can we start over and forget about the past?" I shake his hand and he looks pleased by this. "She really has you on a chokehold?" He doesn't even wait for my answer because he is right. I am willing to come to peace with him just because it makes things easier between us if I want to take it further than our friendship.

I just need to man up.


Brynn: 911 emergency

Brynn: I am in desperate need of comfort food and pads. Can you get them after your class is done?

Brynn: I am surviving barely with the medications so something warm to drink would also be liked

I don't even hesitate and look for ice cream and chocolate in the shop. I even take sour candy because I once heard that she loves those. And when I get to the feminine products, I am a bit lost because there is so much choice. I have no clue which one to buy and which ones aren't good for her.

Sure, my sister and mother have them so I am used to a week full of pain and emotions. My sister's first period I can still remember because she punched me in the stomach when I said it couldn't be that bad. She said that the pain I felt at that moment was just a little of what she felt at the moment. And from then on, I just don't bother saying anything that might trigger her punching me.

Since I don't have any idea which one to buy, I go for three options so she can decide which ones she likes. And if those aren't good then I will just get back to the shop to buy the right ones.

The cashier looks at me when she scans all of the products. "You are the good kind, boy. Your girlfriend is really lucky with you."

"Oh, it is just for my friend." She looks up and shakes her head. "You don't do that for just a friend, boy. You like that girl a lot more than you admit."

"I am hoping for more." I place my card against the terminal to pay while she hands me the chocolate bars that I bought. "I am sure that this gives you some points. It sure would be in my book."

"Have a good night, boy." She waves at me before she starts with the next customer. I jog to my car and lay everything in the backseat. The grocery shop is next to my apartment so I am lucky that I was there when Brynn texted me.

I haven't seen her in person since we had our kiss. I know that she has been avoiding me and I have let her because it is a lot for her. She clearly felt something otherwise she wouldn't avoid me that long. She is man enough to tell people if she doesn't like them so I know she felt something.

I hope she felt those prickles when we kissed because it is the only thing that I have thought about. I have kissed a few girls in my life and it had never felt this good before. I can only think about how well we fit together and how much I want to do it again.

Parking my car in front of her apartment doesn't take too long since Maya and Davina are gone with the car. She probably meant to text one of them but I don't really care. I want to take care of her. Scratch that, I just want to be with her.

"Mason, what are you doing here?" Brynn is wearing an oversized shirt with her hair in a messy bun. She is trying to cover herself with the door but she looks cute. I don't think this girl can even possibly look bad if she tries. "You texted me and since I was in the grocery store I bought some comfort food and period stuff."

I hold the bag up and her whole face turns red. She starts to play with her necklace and it makes me look at her neck. This girl really loves to torture me. "Are you going to let me inside? We can watch a movie or something."

"You want to stay?" She looks shocked when I open the door with my feet while holding the bag with all the stuff she needs. "I don't want the ice cream to melt and it has been a while since I had a movie night." That was a full-on lie since Landon and I always have movie nights together.

"You do this and I will do the rest." Handing her the bag full of pads and tampons, she walks to the bathroom. I can tell that she is embarrassed which she shouldn't be. "Do you have any preferences for movies?"

"Not really. Pick whatever you like." She closes the door behind her and I get everything for our movie night. I even make sure that she can't get into the other couch by dropping all the food there. I want her close to me so I can touch her leg or something.

This is the start of me making my move on her.

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