The beginning

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This is a story of an ordinary little boy...named Charlie Bucket and his adopted sister Millie Bucket. Charlie was not faster or stronger, or more clever than other children. His family was not rich or powerful, or well-connected. In fact, they barely had enough to eat. Charlie Bucket was the luckiest boy in the entire world. He just didn't know it yet. 

Hello, my name is Millie Bucket. I have lived with my adopted family, the Bucket's, since I was a little girl. I love them like my real family, even if I wonder about my parents sometimes, who didn't want me and left me in a bin until My adoptive mother found me and took me home to the family who loves me more than my actual family would even though there might be a reason on why I was there I could careless I love the Buckets very much. I will never leave them for all the chocolate in the world or for anything, for that matter. The night was falling in as I was sitting at the dining room/ living room/ kitchen table with Charlie, my little brother, working endlessly on his homework that the teachers set him, which is quite complicated in some areas. Still, they seemed easy enough for Charlie and me to solve if we put our minds to it. I tilt my head as I think about the answer to the following question; my adoptive father then came shuffling into the slanting house, looking cold from the snow that falls outside that is freezing to the touch, knowing it is pretty warm in here because of the fire which is reliving for us, "Evening, Buckets." he calls for all of us to look up and over to him for a second as my adoptive grandparents seem to not move out of there bed, they stay in that bed because of the freezing floor that is underfoot. We don't need to go to the hospital at this time of year because of them, and it will be expensive, "Evening." we all call as dad looks a little cold from the weather outside that I wish not to venture out at the moment, "Hi, Dad." Charlie and I say to him as he ruffles our hair on the way past to mum, who is cooking dinner, which is cabbage soup. Again it tastes disgusting, but we all live with the taste because it is the only thing we can afford to eat in this house, "Soup's almost ready, darling." she says, kissing him on the cheek and then turns back to the soup as dad is getting out of his coat and beanie. At the same time, I flatten my hair down, "Don't suppose there's anything extra to put in love. Oh, well. Nothing goes better with cabbage than cabbage." mum says to chop up some more cabbage for me to gulp down the feeling in my stomach on the cabbage soup for me to then turn my attention back to helping Charlie with his homework a little more, I wish we could have something more filling to fill our belly's one day. Dad then comes over, sitting down as I look at my adoptive father with a little smile that matches it with his own, "Charlie......I found something I think you'll like."  dad comments while pulling out some deformed toothpaste lids for me to tilt my head a little on that knowledge because I know what it's for something that Charlie has been building for some time to show everyone that I find amazing to look at. 

Charlie's and Millie's father worked at the local toothpaste factory

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Charlie's and Millie's father worked at the local toothpaste factory. The hours were long, and the pay was terrible... ...yet occasionally, there were unexpected surprises. 

Charlie looks at them, absolutely thrilled, as he picks one up, turning it over in his fingers. "It's exactly what I need," Charlie says as he gets up. I smile a little at my little brother. He has so much joy in him for someone so small and full of light for the world around him, which is fantastic to see; he is my light in the darkness, "What is it, Charlie?" Grandpa Joe asks as Charlie pulls out the model of the chocolate factory for me to lean back in my chair a little as the piece is put into place, making my eyes light up on the part that is now complete, "Dad found it, just the piece I needed." Charlie explains for me to smile as Charlie steps back, standing beside Grandpa Joe with all of us looking at the masterpiece of a factory with the head of Willy Wonka placed in its proper place, "What piece was it?" Grandpa Joe asks as I smile, wishing to meet the chocolate maker one day, but we are poor, so that will never happen. Even in my wildest dreams, we will be like this forever, even if a miracle would happen for this little family, "A head for Willy Wonka." Charlie says as I am cut out of my daydreams to look at the display with fondness. It looks terrific, "Well, how wonderful." Grandma Josephine comments for me to nod on that as we are all looking at the display with happiness, "It's quite a likeness."

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