Chapter 1

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"Aislynn Lee! Get up or else you'll be late!" is the first thing I hear when I'm finally able to take in what's going on around me. I hate mornings and I'm not much of a morning person. I set my alarm for 5:30 but I guess I didn't hear it since my mom is screaming at me to get out of bed. Listening to her screams are honestly the most annoying thing anyone could ever hear.

I look at the clock and it's 6:10. I don't know why I'm getting yelled at because on a day when I actually wake up to my alarm I only have pants on at this point. "I'll be fine mom so calm down!" I yell back as I hear her rushing up and down the stairs to find something to wear for work. I also don't understand why she doesn't get her outfits ready the day before. I shouldn't be saying anything though when I don't even have my outfit for the next day complete either.

I'm wearing a pair of light colored "high waisted" shorts with a black quarter length sleeved shirt with the number 4 on it. My shorts aren't that "high waisted" because they only have two buttons. I don't have a pair of real high waisted shorts because my mom thinks that they're mom jeans from like the 80's and 90's but those kinds of shorts are what the fad is right now.

I walk downstairs and put a cinnamon roll in the microwave before running back upstairs to find half socks to wear with the black keds I plan on wearing to match my outfit. I pull out my green and blue leapord print half socks and slip them on. I go down to the closet in the living room that is filled with coats and shoes and hunt for my keds. My shoes are always getting lost but I find one and set it down next to me. I lift up a coat that has fallen off the hanger and my other shoe is underneath it. I throw them on and then I throw my wavey blonde hair into a very cute messy ponytail. I walk into the kitchen and my cinnamon roll is done so I take it out and sit in the living room watching TV while I savor the taste of its icing and cinnamon.

It's hard for me to focus on what's going on in the show because the next thing I know my mom is screaming at my sister to get up so that none of us will be late. My sister is in 4th grade and when I was her age I was able to get out of bed and get dressed on my own. But my mom has become my sister's living alarm clock and closet and she picks out my sister's clothes for her. If I was allowed to speak my mind to my sister and tell her what I thought about her laziness, I would do it in a heartbeat.

I finish my cinnamon roll and bring my plate into the kitchen to rinse it off and put it in the dishwasher. I look at the clock and I managed to get ready by 6:50. I have 10 more minutes until I have to be at the bus stop. I let my mom know what time it is and she immediately goes into her bedroom where my sister is sleeping and starts screaming at her again.

"Get dressed! Your sister and I won't be late on account of you!" My mom scolds at my sister.

"Okay!" My sister screams back but louder. My mom and I think that she is hitting that stage in her life where she.. if you're a girl then you probably know what I'm talking about. She's always such a brat now and she gets mad over the smallest thing. She's only happy if she has her tablet or she's on the computer and has WiFi.

6:55 and my mom walks downstairs complaining about how she won't be able to have breakfast or lunch because she doesn't have time to make anything. When she says those things she always assumes that it's always either me or my sister's fault. If she didn't spend so much time complaining about how she has nothing to wear and keeps changing her shirt she would probably have 15 to 20 minutes left. But she also has to find clothes for my sister, straighten her hair, dry clothes to de-wrinkle them, and scream at my sister all morning to get up. She does so much for us and in that moment that she was complaining I thought to myself about maybe making breakfast and lunch for her so she didn't go to work starving throughout the day. I know that that isn't something I would want to do.

I shut my phone off, my sister grabs her backpack off of the chair, and my mom grabs her purse and car keys off of the kitchen table so we can head out the door. As I shut the door the car turns on and we're on our way out of the garage and down the street to my bus stop. I stopped walking because if I did I would be walking with Caroline, who I thought was my friend, and me and her aren't really on the best terms right now. There's been some issues at school and she talks bad about me to her friend and acts like we aren't friends so if she wants to pretend then I'll make it reality and see what she does then until she decides to apologize to me.

I keep looking out the window as I listen to my mom asking my sister if she finished her homework the night before and she starts getting snobby about it. Excuse mom for asking a question like that. You didn't have to make a big deal about it.

I start trying to ignore the tension that is building up in the car and I spot Caroline walking down the road as she has her eyes fixed on her phone. She's probably looking on Instagram and Snapchat as usual and I imagine her running into something because of the speed that she's walking and how she doesn't look up from her phone and acknowledge anything around her. I don't know how she does it. I would never be able to do what she does.

I look at the clock and it's 7:07. The bus should be here any minute and since it's Friday, I ask my mom for a dollar for soda sales that they always have going on. That's why I love being in middle school. We have so much more freedom than we had in elementary school.

My mom hands me a dollar and I put it in my backpack as my bus arrives and I dart out of the door.

"Bye! I love you! Have a good day!" My mom yells after me.

"I will! I love you too!" I respond back to her as I fast walk to the bus. I've made the mistake of running a couple of times and I slipped and fell on my bottom and ended up with skid marks and cuts on my legs and thighs. It was painful both times. Very painful.

I walk up the few stairs on the bus and I find a seat that Caroline is sitting in. I sit next to her to assure her that there's nothing wrong even though there really is. I just don't want to be rude.

She gives me a smile as I sit down. I can tell that it was such a fake smile considering that when I'm only two feet away from her at school she doesn't even acknowledge that I'm there because she doesn't want her friends to know that we're friends. Her friends don't like me so she acts like that to fit in. I don't know why she just isn't honest about it but it hurts my feelings and I doubt she knows that. She should since we're super close and we've been friends for 4 years but we've grown apart since we started middle school because I bet to her its like I've fallen off the face of the earth and she barely asks me to hang out anymore.

The rest of the ride is quiet and she doesn't say a word to me. She just keeps looking down at her phone and listening to her music through her earbuds. This would've been the perfect time to talk to her since I don't do it on a regular basis anymore. But I don't interrupt her because that would be rude and I don't want her to "dislike" me anymore than she "already does" apparently.

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⏰ Last updated: May 10, 2015 ⏰

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