Announcer: And his opponent, from Tampa, Florida, weighing at 200lbs, representing the Undisputed Era, RODERICK STRONG!

As he made his entrance, I eyed him the whole time.

When he was done, the bell rang as we walked around the ring, waiting for each other to make the first move.

Crowd(singing): Oooooooh Ren Hosako! Oooooooh Ren Hosako!
Locking your arm,
Rip off your arm,
Walking in an Hosako Wonderland!

He did first, which was a huge mistake as he looked to punch me, but grabbed his arm, twisting his arm until he was on the ground and then I looked for a heel hook, but he locked me into his own until I managed to grab the bottom rope and break the hold.

The crowd applauded as we looked to try another move, but he started punching my gut and looked to Irish whip me, but I cranked his arm back and take him down off his feet with a takedown so I could have more control over him.

I then took one of his arms and started looking for an armlock, not the Fujiwara because I want to save that for the end of the match.

I straightened it out, bended his hand, and was looking for joint manipulation, but Strong had it scouted. I managed to power out of it and performed one of his backbreakers on me!

He covered me, and I managed to kick out at two, but he grabbed my arm and looked for an armlock, but I flipped over and kicked his head and crawled to the corner.

I managed to get up and looked for a Shining Wizard, but Strong ducked and kicked my gut, punched my head and was going to clothesline me, but I ducked and locked him into a sleeper and looked to end it with the Fujiwara, but he went out of the ring to escape me.

I was smiling about this as I didn't get out of the ring, I wanted him to come back in so I can try to put him away.

~10 Minutes Later~

So far, this match has been fun. Strong held me in a headlock as I was trying to not pas about nor submit because I'm a technical wrestler, I can get out of holds like these.

The crowd was clapping to help me get out of it and I managed to by elbowing his gut, and head-butting him, and I ran to the ropes, but Strong dropkicked me.

He covered me, but I only kicked out at two.

He kicked my back and locked me in another chinlock as I looked to get out of it as the crowd kept chanting that little song they made up.

As I stood up, I gave him a jawbreaker, making him hold onto his jaw as I crawled away from him.

Strong looked to punch me, but I clotheslined him, then I gave him another clothesline as I held onto his arm, twisting it until I looked for the Fujiwara, but he had his bottom foot on the ropes.

I released and ran to the other ropes, but he clotheslined me as I sold it by flipping my body in the air.

I went to the corner where he gave me a shoulder blocker, then an enzuguiri and threw me out of the corner where he gave me a Canadian Destroyer!

Strong covered me but I kicked out again at 2, but he rebounded by holding me in a lying ankle-lock!

I was screaming in pain as the audience started chant my name to make sure that I didn't tap.

After a while, I managed to grab the bottom rope and break the hold as Roddy looked to dropkick me out of the ring, but I rolled out of the ring, and forearmed him as stiff as I can be.

He was rocked, but I pushed him back into the middle of the ring where I locked him into an arm bar.

He was still screaming in agony as I was cranking that arm back. Strong was writhing in agony as I was trying to make him tap out.

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