Sunday night

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Charlie's POV:

'Ok right. I'm on my way to nicks now I'm a bit nervous I'm not gonna lie. It's not like it's my first time going there, I've been there so many times by now!'
'I'm just a bit worried because of what happened Friday. I mean what if he does wants to break up? What if he did mean it?' *sigh* 'it doesn't matter I'm here now. Time to ring the door bell. Here we go!..'

Nick's POV:

'I'm about to get changed into something more comfortable than my clothes I wore from earlier today, before I could finish putting on my grey joggers I hear the door bell go off '"nick hun! Can you get the door I'm making food!?" 'I know mum isn't making food, it's movie night so pizza and popcorn.! She's just being lazy. I don't think anyone is joining us for movies tonight but I hurry and run downstairs.'

'I open the door and to my surprise'

"Charlie?" I say with a confused look on my face
"Hi.." he mumbles
"Hi, um- what are you doing here?"
"I came to apol-"
"Oh hello Charlie! I didn't know you were coming today?" My mum interrupts
"Oh sorry mum he's just- uh getting something he left here! Sorry we won't be long!" 'I say while grabbing him, dragging him upstairs into my room.'

Me and him are in my room now, he's standing in front of me not saying anything I open my mouth to say something but Charlie beat me to it.
"I'm so sorry nick I don't know why I got angry yesterday I would understand if you want to break up with me I just wanted to say sorry." 'Woah why is he saying sorry? I'm the one who started the argument after all.'
I heard muffled sobs come from him not much longer after he said what he did.
"Charlie? What are you on about? I don't want to break up with you over a fight that was my fault, It was a stupid thing to do! And I shouldn't have left.'

He looks up at me with tears in his eyes, "Really?" He asks. "Really, I'm sorry I got so angry I was just tired and stressed out from uni.."
"It's fine. I understand" he smiles
'Damn. He's so cute'

We stand there in silence for a while before Charlie says something,
"Hey, is it ok if I stay for your movie night tonight?" He says quietly but loud enough for me to hear

Charlie's POV:

" It's fine if not of course. I'm just asking because I have nothing to do tonight and I'm a bit bored but if not then tha-" nick interrupted me "yes, of course you can stay I'll just tell my mum real quick" he says while turning to leave, before he leaves he giving me a kiss on my forehead before he leaves.

After the movie

"Why did it have to be a scary movieee" I say while collapsing on the bed " I thought you liked horror?"
"I do but still! That was scary."
"I don't think it was very scary" nick said proudly
"Please! You screamed like a girl at all of the scares!"

Nick sits down next to me for and starts to mess with my hair, "Charlie would you maybe want to sleep round tonight?" I was hoping I could sleep round if things went well! My mum already thinks I'm sleeping at Nick's tonight anyway. "Yeah sure! Let me just text my mum"

An hour later

Nick's POV:

"Charlieee" I sigh, Charlie glances over at me "I'm boreddd, get of your phone and do something" "ugh fine, what do you wanna do?" He ask tilting his head to the side "uhmm.." " I don't know,"

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