"Oi!" I heard from behind. I turn to see Sanemi standing a few feet away from me.

"Your crow here just told me your going on a mission with someone else." He responded. I was puzzled at first, but then I smiled happily.

"Ooh! Really! Yay, I wonder who it is? Kanao maybe..or what about Tanjiro and his friends? Or someone else.." I just decided to not think about it too much because I was anxious either way to know who is gonna be my mission partner.

"Yeah yeah, calm down now. Oh, and if your partner is a total asshole, don't hesitate to tell them to me about it." He then walked off to who knows where.

Sanemi was very kind to me, I guess he saw me as someone he might knew before or something. He was protective and I applauded to that.

Eventually it turned late and the evening sky showed its colors. I looked up at the orange sky admiring its beauty with the clouds.

I felt cold breeze blow past me. It was time for me to head now!


I walked down a dark path that was supposed to lead to a hidden village. The village was surrounded by dark trees and creepy forests, perfect for demons to come out.

I kept my guard up as I walked cautiously further into the dark scary forest. I was particularly afraid of the dark so I had a lantern with me.

I shined the light of the little flame in the lantern all around my surroundings. I was getting goosebumps.

I stopped when I heard a branch crunch from afar. I turned my head and shined the lantern in that direction.

"Who's there?" I called out with worry written all over my face.

I changed my persona and calmed myself a little putting on a braver face.

"I'm not scared ya know! Come on out!" I shouted with fire in my voice this time.

"Y/n? What are you talking about? It's me.." I heard a familiar voice call and from behind this time.

"Genya?" I saw him stand before me.

"Well this is awkward..sorry about- wait..if your here..then..who's the-" I was cut off when Genya pushed me out of the way. The sound of a demon I heard who seems to try and pounce on us.

Genya held me a little too close protectively. I blushed a little from the closeness.

"You ok?" He asked and looked down.

"Y-yep!.." He let go of me and I held out my sword.

"So are you my mission partner?" He asked and pulled out a gun.

"I believe so!" I put on a proud smile.

The demon was on all fours and had flowing hair. It had many ugly eyes and a long tongue.

I felt almost gagging.

Genya held out his gun and took the shot. The demon jumped out of the way in time. It jumped up to a tree.

"Wind breathing..fourth form! Rising dust storm!"

I created a series of slashes above me to aim for the demon.

I managed to cut the demon in half but then there were two of them? The two halves of the demon I cut grew back body's and now there's two of them?!?

I should have aimed for the neck!

"Dang it!" I cursed under my breath.

The two demons taunted at me and I felt my blood boil.

"Shut up!" I shouted at the demons and aimed for their necks.

Together Forever~|| Genya x Reader || Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ