Once the living room was satisfactory, she went back to the kitchen. She was sweeping up the crumbs on the floor when the oven timer went off. Mariana slipped potholders on her hands and slid the cake out.

"It looks perfect," said Callie. "We can make the frosting while it's cooling." She put the broom back in the pantry, then found the beaters.

"What are you guys doing?" Jude asked, wandering into the kitchen. He sniffed the air, and his stomach growled.

"We're baking Mom a cake, Judicorn," Mariana told him. "Want to help?"

He nodded. "Sure." He looked to Callie. "Can I lick the beaters?"

"Of course," she smiled. "It's your job." She removed the beaters from the mixer once the batter was mixed and handed them to her brother.

"Yum," said Jude, licking his lips.

Callie went back to work while the cake cooled. She straightened up the kitchen table and put away the clean dishes.

With still more time on her hands, she went up to Stef and Lena's room and stripped the bed, tossing their bedding into the washer. She tidied their room, taking extra care to make it look nice. By then, the laundry was done, and she put the bedding in the dryer. While she worked, Mariana made a quick dinner of boxed macaroni and cheese and chicken fingers for everyone.

After they ate, and the dinner dishes were washed, Callie touched the fluffy chocolate cake with her fingertip. It was cool to the touch."We can frost it now," she told Mariana.

They spread the frosting on the cake, and were spelling out "Welcome Home, Mom" in M&Ms, when the call finally came. Mariana dove to answer it. "Hello?"

"Mariana, Honey," said Lena. "I just wanted to let you guys know we'll be home soon. The doctor gave his okay for Mom to leave."

"That's awesome!" Mariana cried. She turned to Callie and Jude. "Mom's coming home!"

Callie's heart sped up, and she felt as if she might cry from happiness. Then she remembered, she hadn't made Stef and Lena's bed yet. She grabbed the linens and bedspread from the dryer, and took them upstairs.

"Easy, Honey," said Lena, helping her wife out of the car. She stood on one side of Stef, and Sharon stood on the other. "We have all the time in the world."

They took a few steps toward the house, when a cool breeze rustled through the bushes. "Are you warm enough?" Lena asked.

"Sweetheart, I'm fine," Stef assured her. "I just want to see my babies."

The kids opened the door for them before they even reached the porch. Warm, yellow light illuminated the front walk from inside, bright and welcoming. "Hi, guys," Stef smiled, crossing the threshold and looking around at her family. "I missed you!"

"We missed you too," said Jude. "It's boring here without you."

"Are you calling me boring?" Lena asked, tickling him. He burst out giggling.

Stef looked around at each precious face. "Where are my hugs?" she asked with a wink.

Lena cleared her throat. "Remember to be very gentle," she warned the children. "Mom is sore, and we don't want to hurt her."

Jesus was the first one to step forward. He encircled Stef with care, and planted a kiss on her cheek. "Welcome home, Mom."

Stef returned the embrace, maybe a little too enthusiastically, and winced in pain. "Thanks, Buddy. I'm glad to be home." She kissed her son, her eyes filling with tears.

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