💗Chapter 2💗

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Guide (since I think it's needed):
Y/N's (and other people's) thoughts
Y/N's (and other people's) Daydreams/Dreams
Saiki's thoughts
"Saiki speaking with telepathy"
"Saiki speaking with his mouth"
"Saiki speaking to Y/N directly"

~💗~ = time skip
~|💓💗💓|~ = segment change


I doodle out a small comic in my notebook. Eyes is just the word yes with an E in front of it...that's...that's just really stupid. I let out a silent laugh as I draw the character's eye. I hum in thought, giving Kusuo a quick glance, he stares at the tv screen. I look back down at my notebook, the door swings opens "Kusuo! Give me a hand moving some furniture. It won't take long with your powers." Mr S says.

Ah, right. The two of them had only recently stopped hating each other...I'm glad. My parents took their divorce to extreme measures...I wouldn't want Ku to go through that...

Kusuo doesn't look away from the screen "Do it yourself." He says "Huh? I would but I got other things to carry." Mr S states before I hear footsteps heading towards him. Mrs S jumps into his arms "See! Like your mother! I got my hands full carrying her around!" Mr S states "You're so strong, honey!" Mrs S coos, nuzzling into his chest. If Ku and I ever end up like that...I'd either die of happiness or die of being flustered... "I repeat, move it yourself." Kusuo groans.

~And So~

I watch Kusuo levitate a bed into the air, I stare in awe "That is actually the coolest thing I've seen all day..." I mumble "You're amazing, Ku!" Mrs S chuckles "Seriously, what do people without a psychic son do?" Mr S asks. Mr S hands me the box he was holding before leaping onto the levitating bed.

"Woohoo! Flying bed!"

He bounce, only to hit his head on the ceiling and crash into the floor. "Are you ok?" I ask worriedly "Y/N," Kusuo says, I look at him "If you think my powers are always convenient, you're wrong. Most of my abilities have limitations and drawbacks. For instance, some powers can only be used under special circumstances. I'm not all powerful." "I mean...I don't really care. When we somehow ended up dating it was under the idea you couldn't see or hear all my fanfiction-like daydreams." I joke lightly with a shrug. It's cool that he has powers, but it's not like I plan on forcing him to use it for my own gain. It's

Kusuo once again flashes one of his famous 'blink and you'll never even know it happened' smiles. "Hey, look at me! I'm the strongest man in the world!" Mr S laughs before the bed falls on him. "Oh my goodness!" Mrs S gasps, I stare at the sight with wide eyes "See, lost my strength for a second."

~30 Minutes Later~

"-All I'm saying is, you and your mom could 100% take over the world. And if you ever do decide to take over the world, I support you. All I ask is that you force everyone to read my manga...no matter how crappy it is."
"Why are you like this?"
"Why do you like this?"
"...Fair enough."

I sip my drink with a proud grin, "Phew! Well, that's the last of it. I'm all done now." Mr S says tiredly, wiping his forehead "Oh, you did such a good job! Here, you must be thirsty." Mrs S says, handing him a cup. Kusuo sips his drink and shoots them a look "Don't act like you did anything. I moved everything myself." He sighs. Mr S looks at the bed and frowns deeply "Oh...the bed's blocking access to the balcony." He says "Oh no! You're right!" Mrs S gasps. I know where this is going. "I'd move it, but it's too heavy to move by myself." Mr S sighs "Hm, if only there was someone who could move it really easily." Mrs S sighs

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