

"I'll go pick up Anya's uniform while you attend the meeting" Loid says while handing the woman a note, to be honest both of them should attend the meeting but Loid could act as her proxy. "Yeah, that sounds good." she replies while holding Anya's hands. 

"I might be late, don't wait for me" he announced while Anya hands him his hat, "Please do your best to return early" she replied while he nodded. "Yes!" he accepted. 

As they both walked out of the window, Anya's vigilance seemed to thin. She no longer remembered what the old woman said five-days ago, but Byzantine was determined to watch Anya like a hawk that day. "You should just order take-out instead of cooking, please head straight home after" he ordered while giving Anya a kiss in her forehead. 


"You are so cute--we should go take a photo later" Byzantine coos while Anya twirls around in her new uniform. 

"Does Anya look cute in her uniform?" the child asks while Byzantine smiles and nods. 

"You look like a fashionista" she compliments with a small chuckle. 

"Does Anya looks cute?" the child asks while Byzantine nods. 

"Yes--you look very cute" she replies while the child twirls around once more. 

"Anya wants to go out like this" Anya states while Byzantine hums. "Alright" she replied. 

The shop bell dings signaling that they have left the building, Anya walks around as they are about to head home. "I want to go to the park" she states with a smile while breaking their hold and running towards the other direction. 

"Dad said that we have to go home" Byzantine reasons while the child gives her puppy eyes. 

"Alright" she gives up. Walking slowly, she suddenly runs. "The last one to the park is a rotten egg!" she states while running slowly to the park, making sure that Anya was able to easily overcome her. Anya giggles while holding Byzantine's arms. "looks like I lost" the woman says in mock defeat while the child smiles. 

"I won!" she cheers while the woman sighs. As Anya runs around, Byzantine sits down. 

"Look at Anya's uniform" the child coos. 

She's adorable, but sometimes I just hate not being her real mom. She's perfect, like she took the best parts of me and placed it in her. 

"Anya don't run too far" she scolds while making sure to keep an eye on the child. Turning to look for a trash can, she stands up and throws her trash. As she sits back down, she realizes that she couldn't see Anya anymore. "Where is that kid?" she mutters while standing up and walking to the last place she's seen the child. 

"Anya where are you?" she asks, it dawned on her that Anya was probably kidnapped. Shit, this is kind of hilarious. Taking a deep breath she walks slowly, surely they won't kill Anya--they still need ransom. 

It wasn't that hard to find a missing kid when you're a trained spy. Byzantine has managed to master the act of hearing everything, which means that she knows exactly where Anya is. She smiles, walking down slowly to the back of the bush where a bunch of juveniles were holding Anya hostage. 

"Let her go" she states while looking at Anya. They look young, maybe I should give them a chance to escape and do the right thing. "Pay for ransom first" the first boy laughs while the entire gang follows in suit. 

Damn, they are starting to get on my nerves. 

"No." she replies plainly while placing her arms in her waist. She didn't really want to hurt these teenagers but something inside of her screamed that they've already chosen their path. "I'm only going to give you one chance" she states boredly while the boy rolls his eyes. "We're only going to give you one chance, old lady" he retorts. 

OLD LADY!? These punks!!! 

As the boy walks towards her, she gives him a harsh kick. As he stumbles to the ground a red mark begins to form on his cheek. "Anyone want to try?" she asks while the gang runs away. Anya runs towards her with tears in her eyes. 

"I'm sorry for kicking him Anya" she apologizes while lowering her head. That behavior was unacceptable when it came to children, even the woman knew it. "That was cool" she coos while Byzantine chuckles. "It wasn't Anya, violence is never the answer" she advices while ruffling the child's hair. 


Loid looks at the woman with a raised eyebrow, mimicking how she reacted the first time. He placed his hands in his hips and tapped his foot impatiently. "So you're telling me that you left a kid on her own?" he mocked her while she just rolled her eyes. 

"Yeah but I got her back" she mimicks his answer while his frown deepens. "What if you didn't get her back?" he mocks making his voice sound higher and mimicking the woman. She takes a sip of tea from his cup while shrugging. "I got her back anyways" she replied while he threw a bag of flour on her face. 

"You are such an asshole" she whispered while throwing the bag right at his face, making his face white. "I am not" he replied while trying to tickle her. 


























(tell me if I missed your vote) 

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