"on the first day of the academy, they were 20 minutes late to the wrong classroom, in the wrong building." he said looking at adam and i smiling, both of us let out a chuckle.

"i offered to walk them to the right one, and..." he said pausing "man, i was all in before we made it outside" he said, it's like he was re-living the moment.

"a couple of years ago, they didn't come back from a jump." he stated.

"they told me their jet broke up on reentry, but they were the best pilot in the program." he said shaking his head.

"they wrote the book on reentry. didn't make sense," he said looking at adam next to him. 

"so they lied about me being dead?" i asked, "i don't know yet but i think so, you're probably still alive." he said jokingly.

"and you were trying to get to 2018 'cause that's where they went before?" adam asked, "yeah" older adam.

"what was older y/n doing there?" adam asked his older self. "i don't know" older adam replied to his younger self.

"they changed the jump logs, somebody was hiding something." "maybe they saw something sorian didn't want them to see." he came up with reasons.

"wait, 'sorian'?, maya sorian, dads partner?" adam asked shocked by this information.

 "she was always so nice to me." he exclaimed, "yeah, trust me. she's no friend." older adam said,  obviously knowing more about her than adam did.

older adam started standing up taking adams plate "nope" adam said putting his plate back down. i stand up finishing my food, putting my plate in the sink with older adam.

"after dad died, she got rich off his tech." adam next to me said, putting his plate down. "bought all the right people,"

"next thing you know, she has exclusive control over the most valuable resource on earth," he says, "time?" i say but comes out as a question.

"exactly" he says looking at me, "wait a minute, you're saying dad invented time travel?" adam asked.

"yeah" older adam said, "woah thats kinda cool," i said, "not on purpose," he added.

"the magnetic particle accelerator, remember that?" older adam asked. 

i shake my head while adam nods "he called it the adam project" he says, "yeah, or as i like to call it, his favorite child." older adam said.

adam taps his fingers on the table, "so what happened to y/n?" he asked, "well, i think your nice friend maya had them killed," he said.

"what?!" adam and i said at the same time, "i get killed?" i asked "what in the ass?" i added.

"yeah, that's why i gotta get back to 2018 as soon as possible," he says, "the jets almost ready, i'll lay low in the shed." he adds.

"i'll heal for a few more days until i can get a clean read and then fly out of both of your lives." he tells us.

"but going back to save them, talking to me and y/n-" adams dog, hawking, whines perking up his head catching the attention of older adam and i, "everything you're doing right now just to rescue one person." adam said.

older adam places his cup, on the table also hearing hawkings whine, "you'll feel different when you meet older them." he says, "wait i get hotter?" i ask myself.

𝓅𝒾𝓃𝓀𝓎 𝓅𝓇𝑜𝓂𝒾𝓈𝑒 - 𝔞. 𝔯𝔢𝔢𝔡 ✓Where stories live. Discover now