Beware My Power (2)

Comenzar desde el principio

"Right, Red Lanterns," I looked out the window.

"Aya, plan the intercept course, it's go time," Hal commanded.

"Hal Jordan of Earth, do not terminate this communication, we're..." Appa tried to stop him.

"Sorry, we've gotta take this," Hal excused.

"This was kind of stupid," I said and saw that a machine flew in front of us, turning around for a bit before continuing. Hal immediately followed it.

He was navigating nicely between the asteroids and gave out another command. "Forget about scaring it, just blast it!"

I pressed a couple of buttons, trying to aim, Kilowog doing the same thing. The machine shot at us back, a lot of red light coming in through the window. I put my face in my hands, trying not to go blind.

"Shield degrading." I heard Aya say. The thing blasted at us again but this time we missed it.

The whole chase did not seem to be doing well onto Shyir Rev, who owed from the pain.

"Hal, break off, stick to the plan. We go for reinforcements, then come back," Kilowog said. I was also worried about this. If we take a few more hits, this could be crucial for the ship.

"We can't let this thing give away our position." Hal answered him, seeming very stupid but until now, everything worked so I decided to stop questioning every single thing... Although this did require questioning.

"What position? We're going home! Red Lanterns caught you in your pants down and now you want payback!" Kilowog shouted. The machine we were chasing shot back at us and did not miss this time.

"Direct hit to port ampoules. Shield's degrading to critical. Please do not let that happen again." Aya annouced.

"Get ready to fire when I clear that rock." Hal commanded, ignoring what Aya and Kilowog just said. He made a drill with his ring and drilled through the asteroid. We got right in front of the Red Lantern's machine.

"Peek-a-boo." I heard Hal behind me and I shot, destroying the probe.

"Happy?" I asked, annoyed with Hal. Kilowog had a point.

"That felt good," he said and sat back in his chair.

"Probe like that means that Red Lanterns are more than two killers with rings and a symbol. They're organised," Shyir spoke.

"He's right. We might be in serious trouble," I added.

"Yeah. Well, looks like we have to head back home and load up the boys like we planned. Aya, take us home," Hal said. I was hoping nothing like what happened before will happen now.

"Arching ultra-warp drives. Ready in three, two, one. Impel." She said. I felt the battery loading. We were sent fast forward, but there was a sharp stop and I hit my head. I quickly got up like nothing happened.

"If this happens everyday, I'll retire at the age of 30," I frowned.

"Are we there yet?" Shyir asked.

"Aya, what happened?" I turned to her.

"Overload due to crack in the ultra warp coil. Most likely caused by the last missile hit by the enemy's probe," she informed.

"For the record, she said most likely not totally likely," Hal tried to escape any accusation.

"There's no such thing as totally likely!" I got up from my seat.

"Are you the one whos going to teach me English?" Hal looked at me.

"If you keep not knowing your language, I will," I gave him a smile.

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